How to support children’s immunity in winter? Learn about some essential expert tips
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You should take care of your toddler’s immunity every day, but in winter it is especially important. Why? Coolness, humidity and a small amount of sunlight put a toddler’s still developing immune system to the test, making it much more vulnerable to infection. How to support a child’s body when it’s cold and gloomy outside? Mariola Darzycka, an expert at BoboVita, suggests.

Regular walks are essential

Although the sun hides behind the clouds at the beginning of the year, walks and contact with nature are an excellent training to support the immune system. The systematic accustoming of an infant to changing climatic conditions makes its body better adapt to low temperatures, wind or snow. The hardened immune system becomes more resistant to various types of infections.

Bet on a daily dose of exercise

This applies to every member of the family – both adults and children. In order to build the immunity of the youngest, apart from taking walks, it is worth providing them with a daily dose of physical activity. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), every day children should be accompanied by exercise in the form of various types of games adapted to their age.. It is not worth worrying if your toddler gets dirty at the same time – it is thanks to such activities that he discovers the world, and at the same time strengthens his immune system.

Further part below the video.

Breastfeeding has power

The immune system of an infant or toddler is constantly developing so that it can respond effectively to contact with microbes. The best support for the immune system from birth is breastfeeding. Mother’s milk contains an appropriate composition of nutrients and active substances that help to develop the defense mechanisms of the young organism. Breastfeeding is enough to feed an infant in the first six months of life. In the second half of the year – usually not earlier than from the 17th week of life (beginning of the 5th month of life) and not later than the 26th week of life (beginning of the 7th month of life) – it is time to include complementary foods in the diet. After the baby is 12 months old, it is worth continuing breastfeeding as long as the mother and the baby want it.

Important information

It is recommended to continue breastfeeding while introducing complementary foods. Breastfeeding should continue for as long as desired by mother and baby. Breastfeeding is best for your baby.

Take care of a properly balanced menu

Due to the intensive development and growth of a young organism, its demand for nutrients changes. What’s more, most of the processes responsible for the formation of the immune system take place in the digestive system – as much as 70 percent of the gut is found. immune cells. Therefore, for the proper development and formation of immunity, the infant needs an adequate amount of nutrients provided with meals. A properly balanced menu should include products from various food groups. At the beginning of exploring the tastes, the toddler tries vegetables, then fruit, and then it is time for cereal products in the form of porridges, meat and fish.

Remember! The young organism is very sensitive and needs food that is suitable for it, both in terms of composition and quality. To support the proper development of the youngest, it is worth reaching for products intended especially for infants and young children, such as porridges. The cereals they contain undergo up to several hundred quality and safety tests, and the age indication on the packaging (e.g. after 6 or 10 months) allows you to choose a product tailored to the child’s development stage. What are the reasons why you should give them to your toddler every day? They are available in many flavors that children like, and in addition, milk porridges contain valuable vitamins, including vitamin C for the immune system, and important minerals such as iodine and iron, which support the child’s proper cognitive development every day.

It is worth adding Herbal Monasterium raspberry juice to tea, which has no added sugar in it.

Make sure your toddler is asleep

When you rest and recover, your body gains strength to fight infections. That is why it is very important that the toddler gets enough sleep and his daily rhythm is not disturbed. It is worth remembering that children need much more sleep per night than adults.

  1. See also: Doctors explain how much to sleep

Do not overheat the rooms in your home

Intensive turning up of the temperature in radiators in winter, while avoiding airing, promotes the growth of microorganisms. Thermal comfort is very important, but how to properly assess a toddler’s thermal needs? It is worth remembering that the warmth of the hands or feet is not an appropriate indicator in this case. To check if your baby is cold, you can touch, for example, his neck.

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