How to sunbathe in the sun

No matter how much we are told about the dangers of sunlight, life without them is impossible. To get the maximum pleasure and benefit from ultraviolet radiation, you need to remember the main rules of safe tanning.

What is a tan for?

Italians have a saying: “Where the sun rarely sets, the doctor often goes there.” But not only the sun-kissed Italians think so. Danish Nobel laureate Nils Ryberg Finsen (by the way, he spent his childhood in the Faroe Islands, near the Arctic Circle) received world recognition and a prize back in 1903, proving the healing effect of sunlight.

Everyone knows that vitamin D, which actually turned out to be a hormone and not a vitamin, is produced by exposure to sunlight. It is necessary for thousands of processes in the body, and affects literally everything – from the condition of the skin and hair to mood, weight and immunity.

A number of experts are sure that if it were not for vitamin D deficiency, oncology clinics would be 70% empty.

Under the influence of ultraviolet rays (in the correct dose), some varieties of pathogens die. The condition of the skin improves with dermatitis, psoriasis, and other inflammatory processes. But, like everything in nature, the sun and sunbathing require a reasonable attitude towards them, a sense of proportion.

A strong darkening of the skin is the release of a large amount of melanin, a protective reaction of the body to excess ultraviolet radiation.

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How to sunbathe at different times of the year

There is a universal rule: you can bask in the sun only until the shadow becomes shorter than a person’s height.

Don’t forget to apply SPF cream before going to the beach and reapply protection every two hours.

In winter and spring

At every opportunity, I want to expose my face and hands to the sun’s rays. The sun in spring is gentle, but do not forget that no one has canceled its damaging effect.

At the beginning of summer

It is possible to accustom the skin to ultraviolet radiation and gradually increase the duration of sunbathing, taking into account individual photosensitivity and without even bringing to the minimum redness, which:

  • leads to damage to immune cells of the skin;

  • entails a decrease in the amount of hyaluronic acid by 20%;

  • promotes the production of enzymes that damage your own collagen.

The most comfortable temperature is 22-25 degrees. During the hours when the shadow is longer than a person’s height, you get the most beautiful tan.

In the middle of summer

Do not sunbathe after 10 am. It should be borne in mind that the sun is more aggressive near the sea or on the river bank, since reflections from the water are added to the direct rays.

At the end of summer

Daylight hours are getting shorter, and you can again stay in the sun a little longer, as the intensity of UVB rays decreases, and with it the likelihood of sunburn. However, exposure to type A rays, which cause premature aging of the skin, remains the same regardless of the season. Without proper protection, the skin is threatened with:

  • гиперпигментация;

  • wrinkles;

  • rough texture and uneven relief.

Be aware of the harmful effects of UVA rays if you want your skin to stay youthful for a long time.

In the autumn

It remains to be nostalgic for the summer and catch every ray.

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Rules for competent tanning, taking into account the skin phototype

Perhaps the most important thing to focus on when choosing the optimal tanning regimen is skin tone.

The optimal time for safe sun exposure depends on your phototype.

Light-skinned (regardless of hair and eye color)

Representatives of the so-called Celtic and Nordic phototypes run the risk of getting burned very quickly. Melanin in their skin is almost not formed and also has a reddish tint, so they have no chance of getting a beautiful bronze tan.

To avoid burns, you must use products with a maximum SPF. And even in the shade, and even if you are just walking on a sunny day.


People who belong to the dark European phototype can afford to soak up the sun, avoiding the time from 11 to 15 in the afternoon. And although the duration of sunbathing in their case can be up to two hours, it is important to move into the shade every 30 minutes to give the body a little respite.

Don’t forget sunscreen if you’re going to the beach.

Very dark

People with olive skin tone (Mediterranean phototype) are genetically adapted to spend a lot of time in the sun. But their skin is more prone to photoaging, so you should not abuse sunbathing.

Medium protection sunscreen is a must during the summer months.

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How to quickly and safely tan in the sun

In this regard, dermatologists have developed a whole set of rules and recommendations.

  • Sunbathe in the morning or at sunset and always consider your phototype. Regardless of the latter, use sunscreen.

  • With a deficiency of vitamin D, cosmetologists and endocrinologists recommend taking it additionally in the form of supplements.

  • Prepare your skin for tanning by taking good care of it.

  • Refuse perfumes and decorative cosmetics before going to the beach.

  • When sunbathing, change your body position every 5 minutes. Better yet, move around instead of just lying down.

  • Renew your SPF cream every two hours and after swimming.

Increase the duration of sun exposure gradually.

A beautiful tan is natural and even, so the time spent in the sun should be increased gradually:

  • the first day – about 20 minutes;

  • the second – 30-40 minutes;

  • then owners of dark skin can sunbathe for up to two hours, but always with interruptions and adequate photoprotection.

Also, do not forget about skin care after sunburn with the help of special products.

And finally, another important recommendation is to use cosmetics and supplements with antioxidants, including selenium, to increase skin immunity.

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How to speed up the development of sunburn

Below you will find some tips to help make your tan more intense and beautiful.


Once upon a time, women used ordinary vegetable oils to enhance and prolong their tan. But today cosmetic oils perfectly fulfill this role, combining in their functionality:

  • UV protection;

  • help in obtaining an even, beautiful tan.

Creams and lotions after sun

They not only fix the tan, but, what is extremely important, take care of the skin, soothe it after exposure to ultraviolet radiation. In general, competent skin care is especially important for those who like to sunbathe. The basic rules are cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing.

To get an even and beautiful tan, drink carrot or apricot juice.

Special Diet

A week before a vacation or just at the beginning of summer, to ensure a nice tan, drink a course of antioxidant vitamins A, C, E. They will help prepare your skin for the sun.

It is also known that carrots, tomatoes, citrus fruits, seafood, spinach, apricots, due to the content of active natural substances in them, make the tan more uniform, and its shade is saturated.
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Who shouldn’t sunbathe

First of all, people with allergic reactions to the sun. Or, in scientific terms, those who suffer from polymorphic solar dermatitis and solar urticaria. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, such people develop itchy rashes.

Medications with a photosensitizing effect make the skin more vulnerable to harmful UV rays. The range of such drugs is quite wide: from St. John’s wort to some contraceptives and antibiotics. If you are taking tablets, check with your doctor before taking any medication.

The list of those who should not sunbathe can be supplemented. It includes:

  • pregnant women;

  • infants up to 3 months, and ideally – children up to 3 years;

  • people with cancer;

  • people with many small and large moles on the body.

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Means for proper tanning

  • Capital Idéal Soleil Two-Phase Tan Activator Body Spray, SPF 50, Vichy

    Beta-carotene provides natural activation of melanin, mineralizing thermal water moisturizes the skin, high SPF protects from ultraviolet radiation.

  • Ultra-light facial fluid Anthelios, SPF 50 / PDD 46, La Roche-Posay

    The Mexoplex solar filter system and senna alata extract protect the skin from photoaging and photodermatitis. Free from fragrances and parabens.

  • Solar Water Spray-Veil Ambre Solaire, SPF 30, Garnier

    The universal remedy is perfectly absorbed and does not leave white marks on the skin, provides UV protection and hydration. Non-greasy, waterproof.

  • Soleil Bronzer Face Sunscreen, SPF 30, Lancôme

    Cream with a light texture and argan, monoy and rosehip oils prevents aging and reliably protects against ultraviolet radiation.

  • Moisturizing Facial Lotion, SPF 25, CeraVe

    Thanks to ceramides, it strengthens the skin barrier and moisturizes for 24 hours in a row. Provides basic UV protection for the face without clogging pores.

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