- Take one human object of fertile age. If you are a boy, take a girl; if you are a girl, take a boy.
- Start at 8pm Friday. Lie prone on the bed. Nichok should last 60 minutes. If one of the relatives is outside the door, in this case, support the door with something heavy and answer all the cries with a runny voice, “Everything is fine, leave me alone.” A runny nose is achieved by sobbing for 8 minutes. Bitter girlish or stingy masculine. The sobs must be silent.
- Return to point 2. You are lying prone, now you need to think. You need to think in order: a) how beautiful the object of love in general b) how beautiful the object of love in particular c) how inaccessible the object of love d) how beautiful and inaccessible it is.
- Now go deeper. Think this: a) no one has that smile b) no one has that voice. At this stage, put the semantic emphasis on «no one else!»
- Go deeper at this point. The given theme is «impossibility». Think: what a pity that we can not be together, it is impossible.
- Add «never»: what a pity that we can never be together. It’s never possible.
- Think never in detail, 5 minutes. Imagine lonely old age and an unfulfilled life.
- Sob silently, prone, into fists, bite your lips.
- Add a quiet tragedy and relax: roll over on your back. Lie down so that tears flow into your ears. Don’t bite your lips just yet.
- Break. Get out of the niche, go to the bathroom and blow your nose noisily. When you wash your face, look in the mirror. The nose should be red and swollen. If not, you screwed up.
- Return to the place of sobbing, lie there in a free position and take a nap. You need to gain strength for the rest of the night.
- Exactly at midnight, sit down at the computer, display a portrait of the object on the screen and turn on your favorite romantic tune. Gently trace the subject’s eyebrows, lips, and jaw line with the cursor. Whisper «never». 10 minutes.
- Break for tea and pee for 15 minutes.
- Remove the portrait of the object from the screen, leave the melody and make it loud. Lean back in your chair so that your head rests on something, close your eyes and imagine yourself and the object in different poses and life situations.
- Startle like you’re awake. Take a wild look around the surrounding objects. Realize that the object is not with you. Sob. 40 minutes.
- Break for a pee. Pour yourself some strong sweet coffee. Now we need physical stamina.
- Display all social networks one by one. Minimize the windows, but do not close them. Climb first with photos.
- Find in social networks in the specified order: the object, those who are next to the object, those who loom in the background. Read everything you can find about them over the past two years. 4 hours.
- If the object has more than a hundred friends, choose exactly 26 of any nicknames.
- Search in comments on Yandex. Read the LiveJournal of everyone whose object has left comments.
- By seven o’clock in the morning you should have a list of new objects with whom you will compare yourself not in your favor.
- If you got to an interesting magazine, read it and forgot why you are here, go back to the previous paragraphs.
- Add a tragic melody to a romantic one.
- Go to bed, just pre-light a candle and whisper «never and impossible» to it. Blow out the candle and compare the little flame with your life and love.
- In the next three days, build on success by listening to “that” music all the time and crying into the night. (c)
From the editors of Psychologos:
You may be interested in other effective strategies in a similar situation. Male options: I again remembered the one I broke up with — 50 push-ups! Again began to feel sorry for himself — 50 push-ups! As a result, men go pumped up and think about what should not be stopped.
Similar options from the female half — we replace push-ups by pumping the press and washing the floor. And after a while — dancing, dancing, dancing!
All the best!