How to successfully pass an online interview

You almost landed your dream job, but you have an online interview ahead of you? And you have not yet encountered this and are terribly worried, because there is no live contact! Don’t be afraid. All over the world, interviews have been conducted remotely for more than a year, because this form of interview has many advantages. Just remember a few simple rules and you’ll be fine.

Video interviews are not a new format: managers and employees involved in the selection process are now often located in different cities and countries, and remote interviews save time and provide more flexibility. Back in 2018, 62% of employers with more than 1000 employees interviewed via video, according to a study by HR professional website

Such interviews lack the effect of personal contact and require additional skills. Below are six simple recommendations that will help you successfully prepare for an online meeting with a potential employer and feel as confident as possible during it.

Organize your space

First of all, it is important to find a place that is convenient for you, where there is a stable connection and no one will disturb you. If you will be interviewing from home, warn loved ones about the scheduled interview, and check with the interviewer in advance about how much time it will take.

Don’t worry if suddenly during an online meeting a child gets into the frame or a cat looks at the screen – remember that the interviewer is now in the same situation.

There are exceptional cases: candidates are interviewed in the car or at the airport. However, such circumstances are best avoided. If you have no other options, it is best to tell the interviewer about this in advance.

Find the right lighting

When preparing for an online interview, you need to pay attention to lighting. It can both transform your appearance and distort beyond recognition. It is best to sit opposite the window, then the light will evenly fall on your face. Do not sit with your back to the light source — the interlocutor will see only your outlines. You can turn on the camera in advance and see from which side the light falls best.

Experiment with the angle, set the camera so that both you and your interlocutor feel comfortable talking: it should be comfortable for you to look at the monitor, and the interviewer needs to see not only your chin or forehead.

The background is better to find light and neutral. Modern communication applications have made the task easier: in the Zoom app, you can upload and install any picture, and in Skype and Microsoft Teams, you can turn on the background blur function or use one of the ready-made templates.

Don’t forget the dress code

Even if you do not plan to go to a meeting with the employer in the office yet, you should still not forget about appropriate clothing. In this matter, it is best to be guided by the style and color scheme of clothing, by analogy with a photo shoot: give preference to plain things in which you like yourself, feel presentable and professional.

Try to take into account the corporate culture of the organization, and if you don’t know it very well, stick to business casual style (casual clothing style with an emphasis on convenience and practicality, characterized by a combination of classic and democratic) or smart casual (a looser office style compared to business -casual, elegant everyday life).

Try to choose clothes so that the color of the shirt or jacket is different from the background, otherwise you may “get lost”, the image will not be as high quality.

Check the technique

Banal, but extremely important point. Sometimes at the most crucial moments the computer “freezes”, the sound diverges from the image, the application does not open, the wireless headphones are discharged. I recommend that 10 minutes before the meeting, follow the link for the interview, check the connection and all settings.

If possible, save your interviewer’s phone number in advance so that you can contact him if problems arise.

If you use wireless headphones, keep your wired headphones handy as a backup. It’s also good to put a charger from a laptop or tablet closer. This will help minimize unexpected situations that add to awkwardness and stress.

Confidence in the correct operation of the technique will allow you to focus on what is really important — on presenting yourself and your competencies. When the interview passes without technical failures, the employer understands that the candidate approached the matter responsibly.

Prepare a plan for your presentation and questions for the employer

The success of the interview largely depends on preparation, which helps to feel confident and collected. Think over and write what you would like to tell about your experience, what successes and professional challenges to focus on.

Prepare questions for the employer — this will once again demonstrate your interest in the company. In the presentation, it is better to rely on the results, give more numbers, specific examples.

The advantage of online interviews is that you can keep your notes in front of you. If your profession involves a portfolio, prepare it in advance in a format that is easy to share online.

Be open and engaged in dialogue

Try to feel and behave naturally, as if you were in the same room with the employer. Gesticulate, if it is characteristic of you, demonstrate your emotions, energy and motivation.

It is important to remember: even if you did not receive an offer for one vacancy or you did not agree on the conditions, other positions that are more suitable for you may arise in this company. That’s why it’s always good to leave a good impression of yourself.

Interviews are always interesting. This is an opportunity to independently learn a lot about the company, decide whether you would like to become its employee or not. This is a chance to take a step towards a new career, to understand what competencies are in demand in this organization and how much you are valued as a candidate.

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