How to Succeed Using Basic NLP Techniques Without Training

Good afternoon, dear readers of my blog. Today I would like to talk about the problem of success, which, for sure, is of interest to everyone. To success, as a rule, leads a long and difficult road, the need to make a lot of effort and a small amount of luck. However, there are quite simple methods by which you can significantly reduce your path towards your goals. Consider the basic NLP techniques that allow you to achieve success in your personal life and building a professional career.

These methods are of great help both in personal life and in the professional sphere and belong to the psychological direction, which is called Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Earlier we already considered: «What is NLP and how it can help you right now.»

How to become successful with NLP in your personal life

Personal life is perhaps one of those areas in which it is especially difficult to succeed, because there is nothing more difficult than building a strong deep relationship with another person. Therefore, it is here that it is reasonable to use the most effective methods.

On the other hand, it is personal life, love and family, which is an area in which, if manipulation makes sense, it is only in order to destroy communication barriers and achieve mutual understanding.

NLP methods are an effective powerful technology that can make a person do something that he may not want to do. In close relationships, there is always a temptation to put pressure on a partner and, as they say, «pull the blanket over yourself.» Is it possible to achieve success in personal life in this way? May be. But only imaginary and not for long.

Honesty and respect will lead you to success in family affairs and love much faster than repression and manipulation.

Therefore, using NLP in romantic or friendly relationships should be done carefully and wisely. If you are looking to arouse love and attraction for yourself from a partner or partner, NLP offers a lot of ways that are very effective.

Let’s take a look at some of the simplest and most effective seduction techniques that work almost flawlessly.

Adjustment technique

How to Succeed Using Basic NLP Techniques Without Training

It is used at the stage of dating at the very beginning of the relationship. The bottom line is to gain maximum trust in the object of your attention, remove barriers and awaken positive emotions and a romantic look at you. Adjustment can take place in a variety of directions:

  • by physical posture, when you harmoniously reflect the posture of the interlocutor, leading a casual conversation
  • according to speech characteristics, if you adjust to the pace and volume of speech, its stylistic features, strive to speak the language of the object
  • on the perception of the general reality, for this it is enough to condemn something around you and come to a common opinion
  • in the sphere of values ​​and beliefs, when in a conversation you emphasize the commonality of habits, opinions, ideas.

The deeper the adjustment is made, the thinner the barriers become and the easier it is to break through to the emotions of the chosen object.

Near-Far Technique

If a relationship is established, it is necessary to strengthen and deepen them, and the “closer-further” technique works great here. Applying it, you need to alternate periods of warmth and attention to the partner with dismissive and cold behavior. If you follow a few simple rules, you can achieve maximum success:

  •  all actions during the period of alienation must be justified by external circumstances: “I really like you, but I’m busy with business,” “I couldn’t get through because my phone broke.”
  •  the next period should begin immediately after the highest point of pleasure from communicating with each other.
  •  the “closer” period should change the “further” period only after the partner has taken active measures to achieve favor.
  •  the period “further” is most effective if it comes unexpectedly and without explanation, so that the partner, as it were, “cooks” in his own doubts, and ends with explanations that do not compromise your love.

This technique works great not only during the «candy-bouquet» relationship, but also after the wedding. A great way to maintain vivid emotions during decades of living together. You can read more about this technique here.

NLP techniques for successful sales

How to Succeed Using Basic NLP Techniques Without Training

Another important area of ​​application of NLP methods is sales, service offering, negotiation. These techniques allow you to succeed in business and career building.

In our highly competitive world, success in product promotion is especially difficult, but also especially profitable. Success in business is guaranteed if you can:

  1. turn the prospect’s eyes in the right direction
  2. help find why he really came to the store or your company
  3. explain to him that the goods you offer are exactly what he needs

It is in the field of developing methods of NLP-influence in sales that the greatest amount of research is carried out and there is the greatest number of simple and effective techniques. All of them can be divided into several main groups, according to their functions:

  •  methods to read the client
  •  methods of adjustment to the client
  •  methods of conducting, that is, the direction of the client’s behavior

Of course, it will not work to consider all of them in our article; you can learn in detail about the basics of the most effective of them, for example, in the book Bob G. Bodenamer, “NLP. A complete course of mastering the basic techniques.

And in order to make sure that they really work, you can try to put into practice one of the most simple and therefore reliable techniques: the method of three yes.

The Three Yes Technique

How to Succeed Using Basic NLP Techniques Without Training

In sales, I use it in order to overcome the negative mood of the client, his prejudice towards something and make him look at the item from a different side, beneficial for the seller.

So, if you meet an intractable, pre-negative client, ask him just a few questions, to which he will inevitably answer “yes”. These can be neutral questions like «Did you come with your car?» or «Is it raining outside?» if that’s the case, of course.

The subject of conversation can also be axioms from your business area, common myths and ideas shared by everyone, for example: “Do you agree that household appliances should be bought so that they serve for a long time and without fail?” etc.

After you manage to get a “yes” answer more than three times, you can ask the SAME question to which it is important to get a positive answer from the interlocutor. And he is more likely to answer «Yes.» Even people who are resistant to manipulation and perfectly able to resist it cannot resist this technique.

Of course, you may not expect a positive response from a negative interlocutor, but the very desire to answer “yes” will already allow his mind to turn off the pre-planned path and look at the matter from a different side, which was previously hidden from him behind a wall of prejudice. And that’s exactly what you were trying to achieve!

The seeds of doubt that can be planted in the mind of the client in this way will create a very small gap in his previously impeccable belief in his innocence. After that, acting competently and professionally, using other effective NLP techniques, you will be able to expand it, increase it so much that the interlocutor will begin to listen to your words, reflect on your arguments, which in the end will allow you to convince the person to change his mind, and later make a decision that suits you.

When you managed to plant a seed of doubt in the client’s mind, it is worth working with his beliefs further.

Right Question Technique

Many sellers believe that as much information as possible should be presented to the client in order to influence the purchase. Instead, NLP techniques suggest asking questions that will overcome barriers to perception and communication, and accepting the seller’s suggestions as if they were your own. Similar NLP methods are based on the techniques of Ericksonian hypnosis.

Gently offering statements or questions that the buyer must agree with or answer “yes” to, step by step, the seller leads him to the decision that the product or service being offered is exactly what it is worth spending money on. .

It is the question-answer form of communication, in which each next question assumes a positive answer, that allows you to set the client to the solution necessary for the seller.

Phrase repetition technique

The right questions, the seller’s sincere interest in the customer’s needs, and the creative approach to finding ways to meet them are important components of the success of NLP methods in sales.

This is where the “repeating phrase” technique often practiced in NLP will help. It consists in the fact that by repeating the end of the client’s phrase at the beginning of your own, you can create the illusion that your thoughts are his own. Then the person and the decision that is beneficial to you is easier to take for your own.

Reformulation Technique

How to Succeed Using Basic NLP Techniques Without Training

To influence a change in the buyer’s opinion in your favor and stimulate a decision that is beneficial to you, use the reformulation technique. Its essence is that you formulate the thought expressed by the client in your own way, starting your statement with the words: «If I understood you correctly …».

The trick is that the same idea, expressed in a slightly different way, can direct the client’s gaze in the direction you need, but at the same time he will still consider it his own. In real life it looks like this:

Customer: «I don’t like this kettle, it’s made of too thin plastic»

Seller: «I understand you want to buy a kettle with a body that will last a long time?»

Buyer: «Yes»

Seller: “Pay attention to these models. They have a metal case, in our house such a kettle has been working fine for 4 years. I can suggest this teapot. Its case is plastic, but the manufacturer gives a guarantee of 3 years, during which it changes the product for free.

Technique «Demand more»

An important stage of successful sales is the completion of the transaction. To effectively lead the buyer to making a decision and paying for the purchase, there are a lot of NLP techniques. One of the most effective is the “Demand More” method, which leads a person who is already ready to buy to think that it is worth doing it right now.

The technique is based on the fact that our perception of events and phenomena is relative.

With his constant growth in the country of Lilliputians, Gulliver seemed like a giant, and in the country of giants — a midget.

Therefore, using the contrast effect, you must first present unacceptable terms of the transaction: too high a price, for example, and then report that now you can make a purchase at 20% cheaper. For this purpose, you can offer a discount, promotion or special model.


The effectiveness and simplicity of NLP methods amaze and inspire many to apply them in everyday life and easily get what they want, however, there are many pitfalls in the application of NLP.

Finally, I will say: There are many different techniques and methods for achieving success. On this blog, I collect the best extracts and basics of all adequate systems for self-development. Which will be quite enough to move forward and achieve impressive results in your life. Subscribe to blog updates so as not to miss new publications of articles.

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