Children and animals know perfectly well how useful it is to stretch well. We, adults, unfortunately, rarely remember the benefits of sipping. But in vain. We have selected 5 exercises that will remind you how pleasant it is to stretch to your heart’s content.
Without the right “pulls”, our body imperceptibly shrinks, shrinks, we get used to the wrong posture, and eventually pain appears. But today there are so many wonderful practices that help us stretch our body and relieve tension. Yoga, Pilates, stretching teach us healthy stretching.
In order for sipping to give us maximum pleasure and benefit, it is important to remember the three rules and follow them.
- Breathe evenly and deeply: this helps to calm down, relax the muscles and gently stretch the muscle fibers.
- Take your time: take the desired position gradually and maintain it for at least 10-15 seconds.
- Do not strain excessively: the appearance of pain is a signal. It indicates that we either need to breathe deeper in order to properly relax, or not to stretch the body further.
Below we give five simple exercises to do in the evening and/or in the morning. The main thing is to perform them regularly, this is more important than the intensity of the exercises. It is by doing them systematically that over time you will feel favorable changes.
Outside: sitting (or standing, feet parallel to each other, legs slightly apart), back straightened; bend your arm at the elbow and bring it in front of your chest. With the other hand, press the first elbow to stretch its shoulder part.
Increase the pressure gradually over 15 seconds, then release (do this three times on each side).
What it gives: this exercise stretches the triceps muscle of the shoulder (triceps), which is responsible for extending the forearm at the elbow joint, and relieves the load on this joint, which is often tense.
When tension appears, it most often blocks the upper body. By relaxing it, we thus prevent the spread of tension to other organs.
Small of the back
Outside: lying on your back, spread your arms in a cross, palms should be facing the floor, legs extended. Bend your right leg at the knee and place your right foot on your left knee. Then turn your pelvis to the left and try to lower your right knee as close to the floor as possible.
Turning your head towards your right hand, press your right shoulder to the floor as much as possible to increase the intensity of the twist. Breathing deeply and calmly, stay in this position for 15 minutes, then do the same on the other side.
What it gives: this pose stretches our spine and in particular the quadratus lumborum and glutes, it is very helpful for back pain. By the way, they are often associated with our emotional state. By increasing the flexibility of the lumbar spine, we gradually gently eliminate emotional tension.
Outside: standing, feet parallel, legs slightly apart; Raise your arms above your head, interlacing your fingers, palms up.
Put your feet firmly on the floor and, without sticking your chest forward, stretch up like a growing tree, as if you wanted to touch the ceiling with your crown, then stretch your left side as much as possible and lean slightly to the right. At the same time, mentally try not so much to bend as to stretch in height.
Don’t push your chest forward and don’t forget to breathe. Do not stay too long in this pose at first, as this exercise is quite tiring.
What it gives: This posture opens the chest, stretches the muscles of the back and abdomen, and straightens the spine. By freeing the diaphragm and the solar plexus, it promotes proper breathing, calming us and at the same time giving energy.
Outside: standing, feet parallel and slightly apart; grab the left foot with your left hand and, bending the leg at the knee, pull it to the buttock. Equalize your breath, breathe deeply and hold this posture for 15 seconds (twice on each side).
You should feel the stretch in your anterior thigh muscles. For stability, you can lean with your other hand on the back of a chair or against a wall.
What it gives: this pose helps to relax the quadriceps (quadriceps femoris), which have a very large load, which is why they tend to gradually petrify.
By improving their elasticity, we simultaneously contribute to their saturation with oxygen, and also prevent the appearance of excess weight in this area.
Outside: kneel, then sit on your heels, tilt your torso towards your hips, trying to keep your buttocks as close to your heels as possible. Hands lie on the floor, extended along the body, palms turned up. The head lies on the floor – forehead down or turned to the side, as you prefer.
You can place a small pillow under it if you like. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly, and meditate in this posture for at least 30 seconds, or more if you feel like it.
What it gives: in yoga, this position is called “child’s pose”, it calms your thoughts, gives rest to the legs and relaxes the entire spine – from the waist to the neck.