How to strengthen the immune system of an adult?

Stock up on vitamins

To replenish vitamins in a short time, you can take an emergency course: for 5 days, give up water and use fresh juices instead. So the body will receive more vitamins, and this is one of the main pledges of strong immunity. For example, you can increase your vitamin C intake to 3000-6000 mg per day. Vitamin C is found in cabbage, lemon, apples, rose hips, etc. A deficiency of this vitamin weakens the response of the body’s defenses.

Strengthen your strength

For prevention, echinacea preparations are excellent, which contain bioflavonoids, essential oils and other substances that have a beneficial effect on the body’s immunity.

Temper your body and spirit

To prepare immunity and the body for the cold season, you can visit the bathhouse or sauna 3 times a week for three to four weeks, and also exclude meat products and animal proteins from the diet for 2 weeks, and instead consume as much green tea as possible.

Exercise regularly

Give up lying on the couch in the evenings and do more physical exercise, walk in the fresh air, quit smoking. Try to get enough sleep every day. An ideal sleep is sound and rather long.

Remember that the main enemy of immunity is stress. Therefore, drive your worries away from yourself and do not be nervous. Try to get as many positive emotions as possible: from communicating with loved ones, reading books, theater, comedies. And most importantly: eat right.

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