How to strengthen the body to better protect it against infections?
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The coronavirus has forced many people to change their lifestyle. Some of us locked ourselves in our homes and limited the exit from the house to a minimum. We can devote this time to take care of ourselves and our health. Check how to effectively strengthen our body’s immunity.

What is the role of immunity during the coronavirus outbreak?

Na risk of coronavirus infection it mainly affects the general condition of our body. This is probably why young people have COVID-19 more easily than older people, and cases of the disease among children are very rare. The cells of the immune system are found throughout the human body.


Our immune resistance also plays a large role, and therefore our natural ability to protect against various pathogenic microorganisms. The immune system is primarily to protect the human body against external factors.

When various pathogens attack us, specific (acquired) or non-specific (innate) immunity mechanisms are triggered. For example, when inflammation occurs, B lymphocytes are activated, when cancer cells appear in the body, they are killed by T lymphocytes, and the same lymphocytes can lead to organ transplant rejection as they can also kill transplanted organ cells.

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Who is most at risk from coronavirus infection?

Risk of coronavirus infection it concerns every person. However, some people are at particular risk of developing severe course of COVID-19. It is especially important for the elderly, with reduced immunity and with various comorbidities, such as diabetes, heart and lung diseases or neurological disorders.

How can we strengthen our immunity?

The easiest way to strengthen your immunity is through a proper diet. A properly balanced, healthy diet is the basis for the proper functioning of the immune system, and thus also for an effective fight, among others. with coronavirus.

An immune-boosting diet should be rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts, fish, dairy, lean meats, and legumes. Sugar, salt and saturated fat should be removed from the diet. It is also worth avoiding highly processed products and alcohol.

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Lemon juice can also strengthen immunity. If we want to improve the functioning of the immune system, it is worth starting each day with a glass of lemon juice. Just squeeze lemon juice into a glass and add a tablespoon of honey or maple syrup to it to taste. It’s best to drink lemon juice about 15 minutes before breakfast.

Our immunity will also be strengthened by natural yogurt containing live bacteria cultures. This yogurt contains probiotics that stimulate immune cells in the digestive system. Garlic is also a well-known and effective way to strengthen immunity. It stimulates the activity of the lymphatic system to produce white blood cells that help fight infections. People who do not like the taste and smell of garlic may use, for example, garlic tablets.

It is also worth remembering about the right amount of protein, iron and omega-3 acids.

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Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected] You can find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

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