How to strengthen self-esteem and learn to love yourself
Guided Meditation
The psychologist Belén Colomina, an expert in mindfulness, explains in this guided meditation session how to learn to value ourselves and know our resources and qualities to support our growth

Sometimes it is difficult for us to embrace all of our parts. We are very critics and demanding with ourselves. “It should be like this”, “I should already know how to do it”, “I can’t stand this part of me”, phrases and internal discourses that increase our discomfort and our self-esteem is diminishing.
Knowing how to value yourself, knowing how to love yourself, is not to think that I do not have to improve anything else in myself, but quite the opposite. It is knowing about my resources and qualities to support me crecimiento. Improve taking me into account. Not from the unkind demand of voracious criticism, but from a constructive perspective that takes into account your whole being, and all your circumstances.
Because it will be essential to know how to differentiate that what you do wrong and that is about to improve is only one aspect of you, it is not your totality. You have nothing wrong, but a whole world to explore. Lean on your resources and qualities, and keep moving forward.
In the meditation of this week, I invite you to embrace all your parts, to love yourself as you are. Complete. With everything. Can you come with us?