How to strengthen immunity in Yaroslavl

How to strengthen immunity in Yaroslavl

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In the cold season, the risk of catching a virus or a cold increases significantly. But the stronger our immunity, the less danger. If you’ve been sick and stressed a lot throughout the year, improve your health.

Hotel complex “Two Wings”

Andrey Smetanin, champion of Russia in the art of bathing in 2014

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of the Russian bath.

But few people think that this is a whole art. Meanwhile, soaring will be a joy and will help restore mental and physical strength, only if you bathe wisely. I have more than forty years of experience as a bathhouse attendant. Therefore guests bath complex “Two Wings” I first introduce you to the history of the Russian bath, the types of steaming, then we offer them tea from fireweed, and after that – the bath procedures themselves, which also take place in stages. The first thing to do is to warm up your legs with herbal infusions, then you can go directly to steaming, followed by a soap-birch massage with torn bast and finally aromatherapy. In between treatments, guests are offered herbal tea to quench their thirst and restore strength. Compliance with all the stages of correct vaping brings only benefits to the body and leaves the best memories. Truly, it is a real art to take a steam bath correctly!

We are waiting for you at the Dva Kryla hotel complex for a wellness program using a unique method, the author of which I am.

Yaroslavl, st. Lomonosov, 31

т. 8(4852) 44-40-40

To replace the sea

Didn’t go to the sea during your vacation? No problem! Sanatorium “Golden Ear” Is a great place for a family vacation. 8 sessions in the sanatorium’s halo chamber completely replace a trip to the sea. Salty air not only has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract, but also strengthens the immune system, improves skin condition, and relieves stress.

Power of water

Non-contact hydromassage thanks to the circulation of water flows, it relieves muscle tension, improves metabolism, eliminates puffiness, and helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body. Underwater hydromassage, a session of which is conducted by a highly qualified specialist, allows you to effectively deal with extra pounds and accumulated stress.

Taking care of yourself

Visit mini-spa complex Is a great opportunity to devote time to yourself. A session in a cedar barrel with an infrared emitter will not only cleanse the pores, but also warm up the back area, which has an excellent effect on the condition of the spine. A cedar barrel with a jadeite stone is a wonderful prevention of kidney and bronchial diseases, and also improves blood composition.

Yaroslavl Region, Nekrasovsky District, Zolotoy Kolos settlement

Тел.: (48531) 4-34-17, 8-960-532-32-32, 8-800-250-76-44


What it means “To have a rest in Russian”?

It means having a rest with heart and soul, both in a noisy big company and in a close circle of family and friends. And for this it is not at all necessary to make tedious trips out of town.

Everything you need for a real holiday with a Russian character is in hotel complex “Korovnitskaya Sloboda”.

“Korovnitskaya Sloboda” is:

  • just 3 km from the historic city center;
  • combination of Russian traditions with modern comfort;
  • cost – from 2 rubles;
  • fenced area with video surveillance.
  • “Korovnitskaya Sloboda” is a truly comfortable stay in Russian traditions!

Yaroslavl, st. Zlatoustinskaya, 11 b

Тел.: 59-44-94,+7 (910) 973-89-67 (33-89-67)

Choosing a plastic surgeon

The dream of preserving youth and beauty for many years more and more often recently can be realized with the help of the latest achievements of plastic surgery. In some cases, the services of “plastic” are required not for the sake of beauty, but for the elimination of the ugly consequences of accidents. Alas, almost every second client of plastic surgeons is only interested in the cost of the service, paying little attention to the doctor’s qualifications.

Salov Yuri Borisovich – surgeon, plastic surgeon, candidate of medical sciences. For 15 years of work, he has performed dozens of plastic surgeries. For the first time in the region without hospitalization, all types of operations for inguinal, femoral, umbilical and incisional hernias are performed.

For those wishing to improve or change their appearance – all types of plastic (aesthetic) surgeries: elimination of “bags” of the lower eyelids and overhanging of the upper eyelids, correction of the shape of the auricles (elimination of lop-eared ears), enlargement or reduction of mammary glands, elimination of an overhanging abdomen, removal of excess fat deposits on neck, abdomen, thighs, lower back (liposuction).

G. Yaroslavl, Lenin Ave., 33, tel. 8 (4852) 90-86-32

Hearing loss – myths and reality

Hearing loss is a formidable disease that is shrouded in many myths and misconceptions. Natalya Dementyeva, head of the audiological center, candidate of medical sciences, will tell us how things really are.

Myth number 1. Hearing worsens with age, young people should not worry.

This is wrong. Statistics on this issue are relentless – the number of people suffering from hearing loss between the ages of 18 and 45 is slightly lower than among the elderly.

Myth No. 2. Hearing decreased in one ear, but I hear the other! Why go to an audiologist?

Normally, even in a healthy person, there is a slight difference in the perception of hearing between the right and left ears. But if this difference has become tangible for you, then this is a serious reason for contacting audiologist.

Myth # 3. I have heard that hearing aids severely impair hearing and, using them, you can permanently lose your hearing.

Modern digital Hearing Aidsindividually adjusted by a specialist do not cause hearing loss. Moreover, the cerebral hearing centers begin to work actively, processing the information coming from the hearing aid. Without hearing aids, the centers are not stimulated and speech perception gradually deteriorates. This is important to remember.

Hearing aids company

  • Selection of hearing aids
  • Modern multichannel digital devices
  • Accessories

st. Kirov, 10 (TC “Volga”), 3rd floor, office. 317,

t. 30-45-34

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