How to strengthen immunity in winter

How to strengthen immunity in winter

At times, a lemon and ginger combo can’t deal with colds and flu.

Most often we associate winter with holidays, ice skating and skiing and, of course, tangerines. However, this time is accompanied by the season of colds and flu. At the same time, there is a category of people who are bypassed by colds, and all because these people care about immunity all year round. Our experts shared their secrets that will help strengthen the immune system and not get sick not only in winter, but all year round.

First of all, you need to follow simple rules, which are the main ones in the prevention of decreased immunity: do not forget to hold onto the handrails in the transport with gloves and wash your hands as soon as possible.

“There are many adaptogenic herbs that help fight stress, such as ginseng, among Chinese herbs. It is especially useful for taking in cold weather, as it stimulates the immune system remarkably. If you don’t want to get sick in winter, add ashwagandha, astragalus, echinacea (echinacea, andrographis) to your medicine cabinet – they will help strengthen the very vulnerable energy of the lungs.

The lungs generally do not like cold, excessive heat, deep sadness and prolonged depression. They weaken, and with them the immunity also decreases, because the protective “energy wei” is formed in the liver, and the lungs distribute it throughout the body. It is imperative that they are strong, ”says Ata Kelly, integrative medicine physician at Remedy Lab.

If you can’t find quality ginseng, use a fresh infusion of fresh ginger with honey and lemon. This is another recommended drink for strengthening the immune system.

This spice is a powerful weapon against viruses (it is better to choose Vietnamese cinnamon), says Ata Kelly. Add it wherever you can! Especially if you got chilled, there was a slight nasal congestion, you feel discomfort of the category “I think I caught a cold.” Cinnamon (cinnamon) opens the pores and causes the wei energy to circulate in the skin and upper body.

Cold exposure procedure – cryotherapy is the best for general hardening of the body. “This is a procedure using cooled nitrogen, which is used to treat the body from the outside. Due to this, short-term hypothermia occurs, a kind of shock for cells and tissues, which lasts a maximum of 3 minutes and allows, in turn, to activate millions of thousands of energy substations located inside cells and generating energy for life.

Cryotherapy stimulates blood flow, improves the burning of subcutaneous fat, triggers metabolism, increases the level of happiness hormones and vitality, enhances the body’s protective function against infectious agents, ”explains Yulia Kondalskaya, physician, cardiologist at the Austrian health center Verba Mayr.

It is recommended that you take daily doses of adrenal support medications throughout the year. Vitamins B, C, D, zinc, omega (EPA-DHA) in high doses of good quality.

Winter holidays are a season of corporate events and parties, when it is quite difficult to resist sweet, starchy and fatty foods. But gastronomic excess on holidays is an insidious pleasure, the “check for payment” of which will come by mid-January.

“Take probiotics, digestive enzymes, and lots of turmeric. The latter relieves inflammation well, and of different genesis (watch the dosage: it must be large, so it is better to take it clean and in capsules).

Install quartz lamps at home, especially if you have small children. An excellent prevention of colds and other viral diseases will be a therapeutic and prophylactic acupuncture session (once a week is enough). Agree, it is easier to prevent or immediately cut off an incipient runny nose than to wait until the “defense” of a weakened immune system ends with a protracted nasty cough, ”says Ata Kelly.

Yulia Kondalskaya advises to minimize stressful situations. The ability to rest and be distracted from the routine, as well as ground the negativity and recharge with positive energy from your favorite hobby or just something that makes you happy, is another method of dealing with the feeling of eternal winter, blues, increasing immunity and reducing the risks of acute respiratory diseases.

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