How to strengthen immunity and avoid COVID-19? Simple ways
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Although immunologists mainly mention vaccines as an effective protection against COVID-19, the overall health of the immune system and its strength depend on many factors. Most of them are influenced by each and it is worth remembering.

  1. Proper diet and hydration are important for immunity. Movement also supports the immune system
  2. Some ingredients, such as vitamins, may require supplementation – e.g. vitamin D deficiencies are common
  3. They are more prone to sleeplessness. Stress also damages immunity, even reducing the response to immunization
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Expert recommendations – viable ways to protect against COVID-19

On the website of the Polish Academy of Sciences in the article “Coronavirus: recommendations of immunologists” you can read: “Vaccines are the only effective and safe method of preventing infectious diseases”. PAS experts also write that “all vitamin preparations, mixtures of minerals and vitamins, natural plant and animal extracts, and in particular homeopathic preparations, which are presented as” immune enhancers “, do not have any significance for the development of anti-infectious immunity”. At the same time, however, they point out that, inter alia, in addition to avoiding alcohol, tobacco or drugs, one should avoid improper diet in order to avoid not only obesity, but also, for example, avitaminosis.

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On the WHO website, in the material on COVID-19, you can read that people who follow a well-balanced diet are usually healthier and have a stronger immune system. In their recommendations for adults, the organization’s experts list products that can usually be found in dietary advice. They also remind you to drink the right amount of fluids – say about 8-10 glasses a day. In addition to the fact that water is essential for the functioning of all cells, the nose, mouth and throat that first come into contact with the virus need adequate hydration.

«The state of the immune system is not given to us once and for all. We can definitely influence it » – says in an interview with Medonet prof. dr hab. med. Grzegorz Dworacki, head of the Department of Clinical Immunology, Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań. «One of the pillars of immunity is diet. We are paleolithic creatures by nature – hunters and gatherers, and today we can, for example, go to a bakery or confectionery without any effort. Meanwhile, the brain urges us to eat sweet food, for example. Due to a poor diet, today’s man often has a disturbed intestinal microbiome, and 70 percent of the time. Lymphocytes come into contact with the gastrointestinal tract where they are properly stimulated. With disturbances of the intestinal microbiota, problems may arise. It is worth changing your eating habits to healthier ones – both in terms of the composition of the diet and food according to the daily cycle »- emphasizes the specialist.

To support your body and improve its immunity, regularly use Bioherba Black Cumin Oil, which you can currently buy on Medonet Market at a promotional price.

The rest of the article is available under the video.

What about supplements?

Unfortunately, even with a good diet, some nutrients can sometimes be deficient. This is the case, for example, with vitamin D. This is because humans obtain it mainly from the production of it under the influence of sunlight. According to a study by specialists from the “Monument – Children’s Health Center” Institute, vitamin D deficiencies are common in Poland. Meanwhile, some studies indicate that its concentration may play a role in protecting against COVID-19.

The team from the Medical University of Maria Skłodowskiej-Curie in Warsaw and other universities from Poland and abroad, after analyzing 13 studies described in the literature, with a total participation of 14,5 thousand. of people noticed a correlation with the concentration of vitamin D and the risk of infection. Lower vitamin levels were associated with a higher risk of infection. “Vitamin D supplementation, especially in deficient groups, is advisable,” the researchers write. The same group, after analyzing a set of eight studies involving over 2 of patients noted that people who supplemented with vitamin D died less often, they were clearly less often admitted to the intensive care unit or connected to respiratory devices. Vitamin D and other vitamins and minerals that influence immunity can be found in Panacea Immunity – Pharmovit liquid supplement.

As a support for immunity, it is also worth drinking Bioherba beetroot leaven, which you can buy at Medonet Market in bottles of various capacities or as a set of 7 shots for everyday use.

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However, not all studies confirm such results. Chinese scientists, authors of an article published in the Nutrition Journal, after analyzing 11 studies involving over half a million people, observed that vitamin D deficiency was not associated with an increased risk of infection or worse condition of patients. They note that the quality of the research was low, but argue that vitamin D should not be recommended to protect against COVID-19.

However, vitamin deficiency is certainly better not to be kept in the body. For many reasons. Therefore, it is worth considering an appropriate test to check its level and consultation with a doctor. «With a well-balanced diet, we hardly need supplements. At our latitude, vitamin D is an exception. At the level below 20 ng / ml various problems appear, also with the immune system. We also see that people with low levels are more likely to get COVID-19. It is not known whether this concentration is only an indicator or a cause, but it is worth ensuring that the level of vitamin D is higher than 40 ng / ml, preferably in the range of 50-60 ng / ml »- says prof. Dworacki.

Are you suffering from a vitamin D deficiency? You can buy a dietary supplement with vitamin D at Medonet Market.

Watch out for insulin

It has been known almost from the beginning of the pandemic that people with metabolic disorders, such as diabetes, are usually more difficult to cope with COVID-19. Some studies suggest that it may be important, inter alia, just the level of insulin. It is the hormone that regulates blood glucose levels and helps cells use it for energy. In simple terms, it can be said that the consumption of carbohydrates causes the production of insulin. If there is too much of it, cells will become resistant to it over time, so the body produces even more of it. Over time, this condition can even lead to type 2 diabetes. However, many people may not know that they are getting into trouble.

According to the American National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, as many as one third of adult US residents already have prediabetes. Meanwhile, researchers from the University Hospital in Norwich point out that persistently too high insulin levels damage blood vessels, which may be associated with a more severe course of COVID-19. Scientists from the University of Osaka found a more direct link with the effects of SARS-CoV-2. In the pages of the journal “Diabetes” they described a study in which they discovered that the virus uses, inter alia, human protein (GRP78). Larger amounts of this molecule, it turns out, are found in adipose tissue, as well as in the elderly, obese and diabetic.

“The results are clear,” emphasizes one of the authors, Iichiro Shimomura. Meanwhile, aging, obesity and diabetes are often associated with impaired insulin secretion. Further experiments showed, however, that treating cells with insulin increased the production of the GRP78 protein. Giving mice an insulin-lowering drug clearly decreased the production of this protein. Its production also lowered the reduction in the number of calories in the animal’s diet and exercise.

«Our results indicate that high insulin levels are an important risk factor that may predispose the elderly, obese and diabetic to COVID-19 infection. So controlling blood insulin levels with the help of pharmacological or environmental interventions such as exercise can help reduce the risk of these patients, »emphasizes Jihoon Shin. Naturally, people with diagnosed disorders must strictly monitor their condition under the supervision of a doctor. «SARS-CoV-2 enters cells through receptors whose expression is not constant and depends, inter alia, on from the stress of the body. On the other hand, high insulin levels are a kind of stressful situation. Diabetes and insulin resistance intensify unfavorable mechanisms »- explains the expert from Poznań.

«We have already talked about diet, but when it comes to exercise, it also has a direct effect on the immune system. For example, stretching the periosteum with movement stimulates the bone marrow to produce immune cells. Effort is also oxygenating. In addition, it is important to move in a natural environment, because it ensures contact with various antigens and our immune system is then trained »- explains the immunologist.

Two years of the epidemic in Poland from the editor-in-chief of MedTvoiLokony

Get some sleep

Immunologists have also known for a long time that immunity is supported by a good sleep. This was well demonstrated by a team at the University of Washington, which analyzed blood samples from 11 pairs of identical twins with different sleep habits. As it turned out, this person in any couple who usually slept shorter hours had a weaker immune system.

«We’ve shown that the immune system works best when we get enough sleep. For optimal sleep, seven hours or more is recommended, »says study author Dr Nathaniel Watson. “The results are in line with experiments where sleepy people who get vaccinated develop fewer antibodies, and if you expose a sleepy person to rhinovirus, they become infected more quickly,” he adds. «Maintaining the circadian rhythm is essential. It is important that we do not burst into the night, that we have adequate sleep, and that the time between 23 PM and 3 AM is especially protected. This is when the greatest amount of growth hormone is released, which promotes regeneration, and the least energy is used, which the body can use for reconstruction »- emphasizes prof. Dworacki.

Take care of your peace

Another important element is stress. The immune system does not like the chronic, overstraining of the body. Last year, a group of researchers at Ohio State University even discovered that stress and depression could weaken the immune response to COVID-19 vaccines.

«Our new study sheds light on the effectiveness of vaccination and how health-related behaviors and emotional stress can affect the body’s ability to trigger an immune response. The problem is that the pandemic itself can exacerbate these risk factors, »emphasizes the author of the finding Annelise Madison. «Stress mainly disrupts the cortisol axis, which, inter alia, leads to the death of lymphocytes. We don’t have to completely avoid stress, but it’s important to have moments of respite. Among others, it will help here movement, as well as breathing exercises – for example, slowing down your breathing from 14-16 to about 8 times a minute. Dozens of such breaths throughout the day can calm the body down. Our social situation is also important – the environment we live in. A simple test can indicate whether or not we are performing well in this regard. It is enough to ask yourself the question whether I can quickly name four people, whom I will call for help in the middle of the night and they will give it to me without asking »- says an expert from the Poznań university.

So there are quite a lot of ways to improve immunity, and therefore, there are also many methods to worsen it. It is worth remembering this and choosing what helps. It’s actually not that hard.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we were wondering why switching our thinking and acting to slow life is a real challenge? Why is listening to your needs so important? What will it do for us? You will hear about it below.

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  2. Why do some people not get COVID-19? The answer … swine flu?
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