How to strengthen falling hair: expert advice

How to strengthen falling hair: expert advice

We strengthen hair on the advice of a specialist

Human hair is closely related to the environment 365 days a year. In winter, many of the fair sex are dismissive of hats, and hair suffers greatly from this. The fact is that under the influence of cold, a spasm of small vessels occurs, which provide nutrition to the hair roots. All this leads to the fact that hair weakens and begins to fall out… In addition, in winter, hair slows down its growth, and in spring it begins to actively renew itself. Therefore, in the spring it seems to us that hair falls out more.

Unfortunately, in the summer, the fair sex faces a new danger – aggressive exposure to the hair of ultraviolet radiation, dry wind, chlorinated and sea water. Only in autumn does the hair get some respite: a moderate temperature regime and food rich in vitamins do their job. However, there are also pitfalls here. It is in the fall that the “final act” of the processes that slow down hair growth and trigger hair loss begins. Complete hair loss occurs approximately four months after the onset of exposure to aggressive factors. So a vacation in hot countries in winter, spent bareheaded, can turn into what doctors call diffuse alopecia – hair loss evenly over the entire head.

To avoid the negative effects of the external environment on your hair, strengthen it from the inside. The drug has been developed specifically to combat diffuse hair loss Panto-vair… This medicinal product with a unique balanced composition contains only the necessary components for active hair growth. A large amount of B vitamins, keratin and L – cysteine. The recommended course of taking Pantovigar is associated with phases of hair growth and is 3–6 months. This is how much time is needed to achieve a lasting result in the fight against hair loss. Hair renewed from the inside will regain its former strength and healthy appearance.

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