How to store turnips at home in winter
How to store turnips and is it possible? The answer is yes! How to do it? Our article will tell you about this.
How to store turnips at home
When to collect turnips and how to store them?
Turnips should be harvested in late September or early October. It all depends on the weather conditions. The turnips should be dug up with a shovel or pitchfork. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the root crop. When the work is done, we start peeling vegetables. It is necessary to cut off the tops from them, leaving a tail 2 cm long. Then spread the turnips in the shade to dry. When the roots dry out, you should sort them out.
We select only undamaged vegetables for storage. But how to store turnips at home and is it possible? There are 2 options:
- put in the refrigerator;
- place in a basement or cellar.
Everyone chooses a convenient option for themselves. It all depends on how long you are going to store the vegetables and whether you have space in the fridge or cellar.
How to store turnips in the refrigerator
With this method of storage, root crops will not be able to lie for a long time, remaining tasty and juicy. How to store turnips in the refrigerator:
- Wash the root vegetables, dry them and place them in the vegetable compartment. They can be stored there for up to 30 days.
- Another option is to freeze it. Peel the turnips, cut into small cubes and distribute portions into bags. Place in a freezer. Vegetables can be stored there for 2-3 months.
Choose a convenient way and enjoy a delicious root vegetable even all winter.
How to store turnips in the cellar in winter
If you have a cellar or basement, then this will be the perfect place for wintering root crops. Let’s take a closer look at how to store turnips in the cellar in winter:
- After you clean the root vegetables from the tops, they need to be powdered with chalk.
- Pour dry sand on the bottom of a cardboard box or wooden box. The thickness of the sand layer is at least 3 cm.
- Arrange vegetables so that they do not touch each other. The greater the distance between them, the better. Reason: if one root crop starts to rot, it is less likely that it will “infect” the rest.
- Cover a layer of vegetables with sand on top so that it completely covers them.
- We put the next row. And so we continue to the top of the box. We also cover the top layer of vegetables with sand.
- Put the turnips in the cellar. There she can stand for 5-6 months.
If you decide to put root vegetables in the cellar, then you need to check the bookmark regularly. You will be able to remove festering fruits in time. If the winter is too cold, it is recommended to additionally wrap the root crop box with an old blanket. The ideal temperature for storing turnips is 0–3 ° C.
We figured out when to harvest turnips and how to store them. It turns out that this is not difficult. The main thing is to follow all the rules, and then the roots will be able to lie until the next harvest.
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