Tea leaves must be stored in containers and products made from natural materials – it is they that make it possible to “breathe” tea, being hermetically sealed. Based on this, it is unacceptable to store tea in plastic bags, glass jars or any plastic container.
You can store tea:
• in ceramic products made of clay or in caddies made of porcelain or faience;
• in cans and boxes made of food tin and with a tight lid;
• in wooden tubes or boxes made of wood (they should not be varnished or painted, and the species of wood from which the container is made should not smell strongly, otherwise the tea will absorb its smell);
• in boxes made of thick and high quality cardboard (not painted);
• in dense several-layer fabric bags made of natural materials (for example, cotton or linen);
• in a single-layer cloth bag placed in a cardboard box.