How to store shelled walnuts? How to properly store them in the shell or in the form of various blanks? These questions concern those who know that the walnut is rightly called the “tree of life.” Since it is not only able to saturate the body, but is also a healer for many ailments. Its cores have a balanced composition of vitamins and minerals, suitable even for pregnant women, people diagnosed with diabetes and those with vascular diseases. Protein can become a complete replacement for animal products. Find answers to all questions in this article.
Selection of nuts
First of all, you need to choose for storage those fruits that will lie best. Because I want the nuclei to retain all the elements that are useful for the body. A product such as walnut is indispensable in winter and spring. At this time, we suffer from bad weather conditions and a lot of diseases, we experience acute vitamin deficiency. Walnuts will help everyone restore immunity and maintain a normal balance of vitamins and minerals.
To keep the fruits until next year, you need to purchase or take those grown in your own garden in the shell. Before choosing a method for storing walnuts, you need to select the fruits according to the following characteristics. It is best if they are approximately the same size and without traces of sticky peel. But it is also important that there are no cracks on the surface of the shell.
Before purchasing, it is advised to split a couple of pieces and check the insides for freshness. Do not take those specimens whose core has darkened and tastes bitter.
A simple test will help. Shake the nut. In this case, the sound of the rolling nucleolus, which indicates its drying out, should not be heard. The fruits should have a little weight. Since too light most often turn out to be empty inside.
Video “How to choose”
From the video you will learn how to choose the right walnuts.
Ways of storage
Scientists say that for each person to have good immunity, you need to eat up to 7 nuts a day. That is, at home it is best to have stocks of such a valuable product. Remember to know how to properly store walnuts. Otherwise, pests and mold may appear in the kernels. It is especially carefully recommended to choose unpeeled fruits when buying. What are the ways to really save nuts in various ways? Next, we will dwell in detail on how to store walnuts without shell, in shell and in the form of a variety of useful blanks.
Regardless of whether the selected kernels are taken from your own site and cleaned by you personally, or you plan to store those purchased on the market, their shelf life will be no more than 3 to 4 weeks. After this, the nucleoli most often gradually become rancid in taste and dry. Therefore, it is no longer recommended to eat them, and they will not bring benefits to the body.
So, how to properly store peeled walnuts so that they do not lose their beneficial qualities? If there is a desire to use goodies in the winter and spring months, it is advised to place them in sealed dishes made of ceramic or glass. Next, this container must be placed in the refrigerator. It is also acceptable to use a container made of special food grade plastic.
Practice shows that the peeled kernels are normally stored in the cellar or on the loggia. But only observing one mandatory rule, the humidity indicator in this case should not be more than 70%. Otherwise, your favorite nuts run the risk of becoming covered with mold, which is unpleasant and dangerous to your health. You can also place the peeled cores in the freezer. To do this, they are advised to pack them in a sealed bag or food foil. You can pre-calcine the nuts in the oven so that putrefactive microorganisms cannot develop in them. But one should not wait for the release of oil, so that the fruits do not acquire a nasty taste of bitterness. When choosing the latter option, the shelf life increases significantly – from 3-4 weeks to 1 year.
in shell
If there is a walnut tree in the area for harvesting, a dry day with settled weather conditions is selected. Nuts need to be chickened off the tree, then remove the upper skin from them. Since they are able to become moldy after being in it for a long time. Pour out on a bedding and dry up to 6 days on the street or in the house.
At home, nuts are laid out to dry on paper or cloth. If you plan to store fruits for a long time, it is advised to warm them in a warm oven for about 1 hour so that the moisture evaporates.
The valuable product is stored in boxes or linen bags. Usually they are given a place where it is rather dry and dark. The temperature in such a room should be at the level of + 10 – 15 degrees. You can not store nuts in the shell on the balcony. Because in the presence of high humidity, the kernels can become moldy. They are afraid of nuts and too high temperature indicators. Since the oil included in the composition under such conditions gives the fruit a bitter taste.
Green nuts are not accepted. They are processed, and the resulting products are used to treat various diseases.
For example, you can make an alcohol tincture. To do this, the bottle must be filled three-fourths with pre-crushed peel, pour alcohol or vodka and insist in a dark place.
Oil is also made from the green peel. To do this, take 5 pieces per 0 liters of olive oil and infuse in the sun for 5 days. Green shell juice is advised to cook with honey. With this composition, you need to gargle if you get a sore throat.
It is useful to drink green nut juice extract all year round. For its manufacture, unripe fruits are washed and dried, cut into plates, placed in jars and covered with sugar. The consumption of products is 500 pieces per 1 kg of granulated sugar. Next, the container should be corked with paper and placed in the refrigerator.
You can also grind nuts with a juicer and combine with sugar in a ratio of 1: 2. A decoction of unripe fruits is made by cutting, pouring boiling water – 20 grams per 1 glass of water. This is followed by boiling for 30 minutes. Helps from many diseases and tincture of nuts on kerosene. To increase immunity, a tincture of nuts with honey is made. You need to mix the products in a ratio of 1: 1 and place in a dark and cool place for a period of 1 month. If you pour peeled kernels with honey or syrup, you will get not only a delicious dessert, but also a medicine for indigestion.
Nut jam is also popular. For him, the fruits are washed, boiled and pierced with an ordinary toothpick. Then pour in sugar syrup. For 1 kg of fruit, it is advised to take 1,2 kg of granulated sugar. To enhance the taste, you can add a little cinnamon and cloves. After the workpiece has stood for 2 days in a dark place, it needs to be boiled, put for another couple of days, then boiled for about half an hour and rolled into already sterilized jars. The shelf life of delicious jam is normally 1 year, but you can save it for 2 to 3 years.
Video “How to store”
From the video you will learn how to store nuts.