How to store salted red fish
How to store salted red fish? You have to take into account the conditions in which the product was previously. How the delicacy will preserve its taste and benefits, we will tell in this article.
How to store salted red fish?
In salted form, the product is purchased in carcasses or sliced in a vacuum package. Someone prefers salting fish at home. At the same time, it is important for both to know about the correct storage of the product.
Red fish is not only tasty, but also a healthy product. It is important to preserve as much as possible the acids and vitamins necessary for the body contained in it. This is not possible with heat treatment. The way out is found in salting.
You can also salt salmon, the largest representative of this variety, and trout, the fattest of all options, and low-fat pink salmon, and juicy sockeye salmon. The quality of the cooked will directly depend on the freshness of the raw materials.
With a ready-made fillet available, you can spend at least 15 minutes on salting
The dry pulp (after getting wet with a napkin) is cut into portions and placed in a container deeper. Taking 1 tsp. coarse salt for ½ kg of fish and a little sugar, sprinkle fish pieces with them. After adding spices – soy sauce, bay leaf and allspice, put the dish under a press and cover with foil, leaving everything at room temperature for 2 hours.
After removing excess salt, the fish is kept in the refrigerator for 8 hours. You can do without a long wait if you season the fish with a marinade, which contains vegetable oil, salt, spices, onions and sugar. After XNUMX hours, the dish is served.
As such, the product remains usable for about 25 days.
Salted fish carcass is stored for up to 10 days, wrapped in a cloth soaked in vinegar and cling film.
How to properly store red fish in the refrigerator
When a specialized factory is engaged in salting fish and the product gets on the table in a vacuum package, the period of its stay in a refrigerator with a temperature from –8 to –4 is up to one and a half months. In doing so, it is important to consider the following:
• the quality of the product deteriorates if, after being stored in the refrigerator, it is moved to the freezer;
• fish pieces in open vacuum packaging cannot be stored for more than a day;
• unused fillets can be kept in the refrigerator in plastic wrap for several days.
The shelf life of the product is significantly increased if it is placed in the freezer. Large enough pieces must be removed from excess moisture with a kitchen towel, individually wrapped in plastic wrap and folded into an airtight bag. So the product will not deteriorate for about six months.
Experienced chefs advise against storing red fish for a long time, as over time, its meat dries out and loses its delicate taste.