How to store pumpkin for the winter at home

How to store pumpkin for the winter at home

Pumpkin is unpretentious, and with proper care it gives a bountiful harvest. The vegetable is very useful, even suitable for dietary and baby food. If you know how to store a pumpkin, it can “live” almost until spring.

Not every pumpkin is suitable for long-term storage. If you plan to harvest the crop for future use, you need to collect the fruits with caution. The best time is a dry, sunny day at the end of September. Only whole pumpkins with a hard and dry stalk, the length of which is at least 5-10 cm, are selected for storage.

Before storing pumpkin for the winter, you need to prepare it.

During the week, vegetables should lie in a ventilated, sunny place. If during the collection the vegetable was damaged and small shallow scratches remain, they can be sealed with a plaster. But it is advisable to cut such fruits or use them first.

Only dry fruits are laid for storage. Due to moisture, rot and mold appear, which quickly spread, spreading to the rest of the crop. In 2-3 weeks, the entire crop will suffer. Therefore, the fruits must be periodically reviewed in order to remove the spoiled product in time. After that, the neighboring pumpkins are wiped with a dry, clean cloth.

How to store pumpkin at home

The most suitable storage space is a dry, dark cellar or basement. But good conditions can also be found in the apartment. Equip storage space on the balcony or loggia, if glazed. In this case, it is necessary to observe three basic rules:

  • maintain the temperature regime;
  • do not allow the fruit to come into contact;
  • keep away from direct sunlight.

Do not lay fruits on the floor: use fabric, plywood or a thick layer of newspaper as a substrate. It is important to keep the indoor air dry to keep mold free. It is recommended to periodically ventilate the balcony.

How to store pumpkin for the winter if the harvest is not very plentiful? A refrigerator or freezer is suitable. Peel the fruit, remove the seeds and cut into convenient pieces. You can pack the pulp in containers or airtight bags. The fruits are stored in the freezer for about a year.

In winter, the temperature should be above 2 degrees, and in case of frost, it is advisable to cover the pumpkin with insulation or a blanket.

You do not need to throw away spoiled fruits right away. Just remove the problem areas and use the rest to freeze. If you plan to consume a vegetable in the near future, a refrigerator is also suitable. But pumpkin can be stored there for no longer than 10 days.

By creating the right storage conditions, you can prepare delicious pumpkin dishes all year round.

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