Onions are a welcome guest in the recipe for the first and second courses, so there is a temptation to stock them up for future use during the harvest season.
Onions are not put in the refrigerator because of the pungent smell and the ability to soften the food in the neighborhood over time.
Ideal storage of a vegetable requires a temperature not lower than 0 ° C and dry conditions in the cellar or basement. If there is no special storage, you need to give preference:
• yellow varieties of onions, it has a denser coating compared to red and white;
• onions grown from small onions. The one that is obtained from seeds deteriorates faster;
• lack of secondary roots in fruits;
• fully matured and dense golden-orange heads of approximately the same size and shape;
• dry tops, thin necks of well-peeled hard bulbs without a single sign of rotting.
Storage conditions are equally important:
• the room for preliminary drying should be well ventilated (at 30º for about 3 days, at 45ºC for about 12 hours);
• you need to store vegetables in cardboard boxes with ventilation holes or ordinary nets (better than nylon);
• they should be placed in containers in not very large portions;
• it is necessary to maintain conditions of low humidity (about 65%) and a constant temperature;
• periodically sort out and sift out sprouted and rotten specimens. Damp bulbs are subjected to secondary drying and transfer to a new container.
One of the important finishing touches to the onion is sprinkling it with chalk, which protects the product from moisture.
If there is a stove in the house, it is better to remember the old way of braiding from a bow. Suspended in this form in a dry warm place, the product will also have an antimicrobial effect on the air.
It is possible to define a garland of onions above a radiator in an ordinary apartment, but it is important not to overdry the heads in this way. The maximum room temperature should be around 24 ° C.
Do not store onions with other types of vegetables. Potatoes and beets, for example, need wetter conditions. Under these circumstances, mold appears on the fruit.
How to store onions in the refrigerator? This should be done only with small amounts of the product peeled from the husk. In this case, the vegetable is packed in a plastic box.