How to store nuts at home: follow grandmother’s advice

Walnuts are a very useful product for the human body, which is also very high in calories. The kernels contain such important components as iron, acids, fats. It is necessary to eat 5-7 nuts daily in order to have a good supply of vitamins and virus-resistant immunity. It turned out that in green fruits the amount of vitamin C exceeds even its number in rose hips. Today we will tell you how to store nuts, what they need to be placed in so that they do not deteriorate.

Why spoil

Some people are mistaken in believing that nothing threatens a nut placed in a strong shell after being harvested from a tree. Therefore, they are very surprised when they put the fruits in a bag and take them out after a while. Since there is either mold on the surface, or the cores are bitter in taste or completely dry. Despite the name, the walnut is native to Asia Minor and Central Asia, Afghanistan, and Iran. But such fruits came to Our Country from the territory of Greece, from where they were imported. Hence the name. Our compatriots successfully grow domestic varieties of overseas guests on their plots, for example, “Uzbek early ripening”, “Ideal”, “Thin-shell”, “Motherland”, “Hissar nut”.How to store nuts at home: follow grandmothers advice

A highly nutritious product, the nut is very rich in fats and proteins of vegetable origin. But it also boasts the presence of iodine in sufficient quantities. The “capriciousness” of nuts is directly related to the presence of fats and fatty acids in their composition. In the case of long-term storage, and even at high temperatures, the kernels can acquire an unpleasant rancid taste. In this case, there is nothing to say about their benefits to the body. But if you know how to properly store a valuable product, then it is really possible to preserve not only the beautiful golden color of the kernels, but also the specific aroma and pleasant taste.

Video “How to choose”

From the video you will learn how to choose the right nuts for eating.

How to choose the right walnuts

Features of storage

How to store peeled kernels so that they retain their original appearance and taste? Pre-fry them in a heated frying pan for about 15 minutes. Naturally, without pouring oil into it. Next, the kernels are cooled and placed in the chosen place.How to store nuts at home: follow grandmothers advice

If you plan to eat nuts for 1 – 2 weeks, then they are cleaned in a dry, dark and fairly warm place. In this case, it is advised to pour the cores into plastic or glass vessels that have an airtight lid. Because in case of leakage, the surface of the kernels can become covered with unpleasant mold fungi.

In order to keep the product fresh and nutritious, place it in a dry dish and refrigerate. In this case, the shelf life of nuts will be no more than 2 – 3 months. It is much longer to actually keep nuts in the freezer. Previously, they must be placed in cling film and the quick freeze mode is selected in the refrigerator. To make the kernels even tastier after being removed from the freezer, it is advised not only to defrost them before use, but also to warm them in the oven. But no longer than 10 minutes.How to store nuts at home: follow grandmothers advice

It is permissible to keep only green fruits in the shell. It is best if they are in the form of blanks – jams, tinctures, candied fruits.

What to store?

Storing shelled nuts is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Choosing the right cookware is important. It is best to place the nucleoli in jars or other containers made of glass or clay. They should be tightly closed with lids. Then you can count on the preservation of the taste and external qualities of your favorite product for up to 1 year. It is not advised to place nuts in polyethylene. Since an excellent closed space is created inside for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. And this is the root cause of the appearance of mold on the surface. In this case, it remains only to throw out ugly and unusable kernels. The container with the cores should be placed in a dark place.How to store nuts at home: follow grandmothers advice

An important factor is the presence of room temperature there. Do not forget about the tightness of the vessel. Peeled nuts are advised to place in the freezer before eating. Greens will bring undoubted benefits to the body if they are in your home in the form of jam or tincture.

You can lay out pre-dried nuts on oilcloth. This is done in a room with normal ventilation. And also a good way to store unpeeled fruits for a long time is to put them in canvas bags.

Being in them, such a valuable product does not lose its qualities for 5-6 months. Up to 3 months, your favorite fruits will be stored in a glass container. At the same time, the presence of a humidity level not higher than 65% and a loosely closed lid are required. Otherwise, your treat runs the risk of choking and becoming unusable. Unpeeled fruits can lie for a long time in cardboard or wooden boxes. Usually they are stored in this way for up to six months.

Video “How to store”

From the video you will learn how to properly store nuts at home.

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