How to store jamon at home, at what temperature

How to store jamon at home, at what temperature

Dry-cured meat is an exquisite delicacy. Before purchasing this rather expensive product, you should learn how to store the ham. It does not undergo heat treatment, but it is safe to use if you follow the rules. You can buy either a whole leg or sliced ​​meat, the storage conditions will differ.

How to store jamon after purchase?

How to store a whole ham at home

It is more profitable to buy expensive products in large quantities. This reduces the cost of one serving and allows you to enjoy a delicacy without any special restrictions. Jamon is a dried ham of pork. If you have a suitable storage space, you can purchase it in its entirety.

Storage conditions for whole dried pork leg:

  1. Dry ventilated room without foreign odors with a constant temperature of 15-20 ° C.
  2. Place the ham in a stand or hang it on a hook. The product should not touch walls and shelves.
  3. Brush it with melted lard. The thicker the layer, the longer the shelf life. Lard can be replaced with odorless olive oil.
  4. Grease or oil the cut edge just as thickly and cover with a clean cotton cloth. Instead of a towel, you can use lard-soaked parchment, but never foil or film.

If mold appears on the outside of the piece, do not rush to get upset and throw away the expensive delicacy. The formation of such a plaque is considered the norm. Wipe the outside with a cloth dipped in olive oil. Then cut off the skin before use so that there is no bitterness.

How to store a vacuum-sealed ham

Despite the profitability of buying a whole jamon, most residents of standard apartments do not have the conditions for storing it. In order not to throw away expensive but spoiled food, there is an option to purchase sliced ​​meat. Usually it is packed in vacuum containers and until the moment of opening it can lie for about a year without changes in taste.

At what temperature should jamon be stored and can it be frozen? Remember: frost is destructive for this delicacy!

After opening the vacuum package, the jerky should be eaten within a few hours. If you kept the package in the refrigerator, then before eating, take it out for 20 minutes: this will help you fully appreciate the taste. Avoid storing jamon slices for a long time, especially when open. It absorbs literally all the smells, dries up and becomes completely tasteless.

Jamon is an amazing and delicate delicacy. Observe the rules of its storage in order to maximize the unique flavor bouquet.

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