How to store garlic in an apartment, how to properly store it in winter

How to store garlic in an apartment, how to properly store it in winter

It’s great if the year turned out to be fruitful and a lot of good garlic grew. But in urban settings, few people have special storage facilities for vegetables. How to store garlic in an apartment in order to take full advantage of its beneficial properties in winter? This will help the advice of experienced gardeners.

How to store garlic in an apartment: proper preparation

One of the main conditions for the preservation of garlic is its proper harvesting. Overripe heads should not be allowed. In this case, they disintegrate into separate slices and quickly deteriorate. You need to dig up the garlic only in dry weather, then dry it thoroughly for 1-2 weeks. Only then can the heads be stored.

It is advisable to store garlic in an apartment in a cool and dark place.

For long-term storage in an apartment, spring-grown garlic is best suited. Winter garlic serves as an ideal seed material, but deteriorates and dries faster than spring garlic.

Before laying the garlic, you need to sort it. For long-term storage, we select only one-piece undamaged heads. Damaged or diseased lobules can contribute to rotting of the entire stock. Rejected garlic can be used directly on food or dried and chopped. Garlic powder is an excellent seasoning for dishes.

How to keep garlic in an apartment in winter?

After all the heads of garlic are prepared, you need to decide on the method of storage. In order for garlic to be beneficial for as long as possible and serve as an excellent addition to cooked dishes, there are ways proven over the years:

  1. Glass jars – put peeled garlic cloves in sterilized and dry jars. Next, there are several options for harvesting: cover the garlic with flour or salt, or you can pour the slices with oil.
  2. Salt boxes – put prepared heads in rows in a box. Sprinkle each row with coarse salt.
  3. Refrigerator – since the most favorable temperature for storing garlic is +5 C, you can store it in the vegetable compartment. The disadvantage of this method is that it will take up a lot of space in the refrigerator. You will also need to monitor the level of humidity – it can lead to the death of the heads.
  4. Oil with iodine – add a few drops of iodine to the boiled oil and cover the garlic heads with this mass. Dry and store in a cool dry place. The oil will keep the garlic from drying out, and the iodine will disinfect its surface.
  5. Braids – after drying, do not cut the stalks of the garlic, braid with them. It is recommended to store woven garlic suspended in a pantry.

The healing properties of garlic have been known for a long time, having it in the house, you can save your family from many diseases. These simple methods will help keep the harvested crop safe and sound until spring.

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