The beneficial properties of mint have been known since ancient times. This aromatic herb is widely used in medicine, cooking, and cosmetology. The exclusive use of mint is the content of menthol – an essential component with a pronounced refreshing taste and aroma. Menthol has a strong tonic property, which is why mint drinks, as well as dishes with fragrant herbs, have always been so popular. Unfortunately, the fresh herb is only available in summer, but menthol lovers can enjoy it more often if they know how to store mint properly.
Why store mint
Mint is most useful in the middle of summer. By this time, the content of essential oils in the leaves and stems of the plant reaches its maximum concentration. Then the growth of the grass slows down, and the stems direct all their forces to the formation of inflorescences. In flowering mint, the amount of nutrients is much lower than in young plants. Therefore, lovers of a refreshing mint taste try to have time to pick the grass before flowering, and keep fresh mint greens for as long as possible.
Mint is also widely used in folk medicine. If there is dried mint grass in the house, we can assume that no diseases are terrible. In winter, a soothing tea is made from dried herbs. Mint drops, which are not difficult to prepare at home, are an indispensable medicine for heart pathologies, toothache, and nervous disorders. To relieve headaches, heal wounds, colds, nausea, it is better to use fresh leaves of the plant, as they contain more menthol ether.
An experienced hostess always finds the use of mint greens in the kitchen. In cooking, it is an indispensable ingredient for refreshing drinks, and a variety of dishes: from meat to chocolate desserts. In the hot summer, no one can resist a glass of mojito with an amazing mint flavor, and even a simple cocktail will become a culinary masterpiece if the glass is decorated with a sprig of mint. Fresh mint is a very delicate plant that wilts almost immediately after cutting. So the question is: how to store mint? – relevant even in summer, because withered grass loses its healing and aromatic properties in a few hours.
Video “Detailed instructions”
Detailed instructions for storing mint.
Ways of storage
If the greens need to be kept fresh for a short time, then you can use the following methods:
- place the stems of the plant in a container of water – this method ensures the storage of fresh herbs for several days, and if you change the water daily, the mint can remain fresh for a week or more;
- wrap in a wet cloth – mint may not be in such a package for long, until the cloth dries.
If you need a longer preservation of greens, you can not do without a refrigerator. Before being placed in the refrigerator, the grass must be washed well and dried slightly – too wet greens can rot. Next, the plants must be folded into a bag or plastic container, and then sealed tightly so that air does not enter. With this method, the greens remain fresh for 5-7 days. In order for mint to be stored for a long time, and it is enough until the next harvest, the following harvesting methods are used.
Frozen mint can be stored for at least six months, but many housewives use greens until the new harvest. Freezing is the easiest and most useful way to prepare any food. It is simple in that for freezing the greens you only need to wash and dry, but it is useful in that with a quick (-18-24 degrees) freezing, all useful substances and vitamins are preserved in the products. You can freeze mint in several ways:
- put the washed and dried greens whole in a plastic bag and send to the freezer;
- chop the prepared greens, place in a plastic container, and then freeze;
- tear off the leaves, place in molds for freezing ice (2-3 leaves each), fill with water and freeze – in the future, such ice can be used to make drinks, add to first courses.
Dried mint is used as a seasoning for meat, pastries, desserts, and also as a medicine. If the grass is needed for treatment, then it is better to collect it in late July – early August, just before flowering, when the inflorescences have not yet blossomed.
Drying mint is carried out as follows: the stems of plants are cut, washed, and dried a little. Then they are collected in bundles, tied with a strong thread, and hung in a hot but dark room. To prevent bunches of mint from getting dusty, they can be wrapped with gauze in one layer.
When the grass dries, the leaves must be separated from the stems, and then crushed or ground. Dried mint is stored in glass jars or linen bags. Crushed mint is added to roasts, soups, and meats. To make tea, it is better to leave dry leaves whole. For a tonic bath, you can use whole dry stems without crushing them.
Video “Harvesting mint for the winter”
Demonstrative video with recommendations for harvesting mint for the winter.