How to store feijoa until ripe at home
Fragrant feijoa appear on the shelves in late autumn – during their ripening season. Exotic lovers feast on them for only a couple of months, and then they wait a year for a new harvest. But if you know how to store feijoa correctly, then you can stock up on vitamins until spring.
Knowing how to store feijoa at home, you can stock up on vitamins until spring
Feijoa is eaten fresh, fruit compotes, jams are boiled and even cosmetic masks are made. These fruits are low in calories and at the same time rich in nutrients. Due to the excess of ascorbic acid and B vitamins, as well as iodine, they are good for colds and vitamin deficiency.
How to store feijoa at home
As a rule, fruits are sold immature – they are harvested long before ripening so as not to be beaten during transportation. But ripe fruits are the most beneficial. They are distinguished from ripe ones by the excessive hardness of the peel and the white, rather than creamy, shade of the pulp.
How to store feijoa until ripe.
– We put the fruits on a sheet of paper in a well-ventilated area.
– The air temperature should be between 22 degrees and above.
– Periodically check the fruit for foci of decay.
After about a week and a half, the fruits will ripen. If you want to keep unripe feijoa longer, you should put them in the refrigerator – in the fruit compartment. There they may well wait even until spring.
Overripe fruits – soft, damaged, with brown flesh – should not be purchased. Fermentation processes have already begun in them, which makes them almost inedible. Ripe feijoa are stored for no more than three days.
To keep the fragrant feijoa longer, you can make jam from the fruit. But it is even better to make live jam: the largest amount of nutrients remains in it.
For cooking, you need feijoa and sugar in equal proportions. If you like a sour taste, you can take a third less sugar. Preparing a healthy treat is simple:
– my fruits, remove the stalks;
– turn into puree using a blender or meat grinder;
– fill with sugar and mix thoroughly;
– we lay out “live jam” in sterilized jars, close with lids.
This delicacy can be stored in the refrigerator until spring. It will acquire a brownish tint, but this will not deprive it of its beneficial properties.
Regular feijoa jams are made in the traditional way, just like plums. In simple jam, valuable substances are also preserved, but in a smaller amount due to heat treatment. But jam can be stored for a whole year.