Storing bottled cognac at home involves mastering some knowledge and observing a number of simple rules. All of them can fit in several lines. So, let’s begin.
Useful information about cognac
Cognac, bottled, can be preserved without harm to its taste and aromatic qualities for an indefinite period. At the same time, in view of the absence of further contact with the oak barrel, none of the parameters of the drink will improve one iota.
When the bottle is depressurized, the cognac will start to evaporate and run out of steam. Yes, and prolonged contact with air will not benefit him.
Cognac spirits are able to easily absorb the smell of objects that come into contact with them.
The drink we are interested in does not tolerate either excessive cold or excessive heat.
Direct sunlight is detrimental to cognac.
Armed with our new knowledge about cognac, we can proceed to the next step, namely, how to store cognac at home.
Cognac storage rules
It makes no sense to store cognac for a long time without need
Unless, we are talking about a particularly valuable drink, reserved for exceptional cases.
Check the tightness of the bottle
If you plan to store the drink for several years, fill the cork with sealing wax to avoid depressurization when it dries naturally. It is better to pour open, but unfinished cognac into a smaller container and cork as tightly as possible; in this case, he will not lose his qualities within 2 or even 3 months.
Store cognac bottles in a strictly upright position
In this case, the contents of the containers will not be able to absorb the cork smell.
Storage temperature matters
Make sure that brandy is stored at a temperature not lower than 5 and not higher than 22 degrees Celsius.
It is best to use a basement or wine cooler, but a regular fridge will also work if it has a zone with the temperature regime indicated earlier.
Keep cognac in a dark place
If the drink was packed in a box, case or tube upon purchase, do not unpack it until the moment of consumption.
Subject to all the above rules, cognac will live without problems until the golden wedding of your great-grandchildren.
Relevance: 21.09.2015
Tags: brandy and cognac