How to store chestnuts at home
In terms of their nutritional composition, edible chestnuts are reminiscent of cereal muesli. In France, these fruits have become almost a national dish: not a single celebration of the onset of autumn takes place there without baked chestnuts. They also fell in love in our country. In this article, we’ll show you how to keep chestnuts at home to preserve their flavor and health benefits.
You should know how to hold chestnuts to feast on them all year round.
Traditionally, chestnuts are considered a winter commodity, although they are harvested in September. They can be purchased in the markets until March, since they are stored without problems if you know some of the rules.
How to store chestnuts properly
Fresh fruits are stored in a cool place for only a few days. Then they become moldy. But you can cover them with sand, like carrots and beets, then they can lie for several months. But it is best to freeze chestnuts.
They can stay in the freezer for at least 6 months. You should not wrap the fruits in a plastic bag, with such storage mold will form on them.
Chestnuts in our country go to the shelves:
- fresh in raw form;
- fresh frozen in a peeled form;
- pickled (canned).
Canned chestnuts can be used immediately without additional processing for preparing salads or eating as a separate dish. Fresh-frozen ones are first fried, and then, for example, they are added to mushroom soup. Fresh ones must first be cut, covered with foil and sent to the oven for baking for 20 minutes. After the fruits are cooked, they can be salted and eaten just like boiled corn.
How they know how to choose and how they store chestnuts in different countries
In different parts of the world, chestnuts appear on tables in their natural form and prepared according to original recipes. Mashed potatoes, side dishes for meat dishes are prepared from them, they are boiled and fried. The fruits are widely used in the preparation of confectionery and many other dishes.
Italians love wine-soaked chestnuts. For them, this is both an original dish and an opportunity to preserve the fruits longer. In France, you can taste the famous “maroon glace” – crushed in syrup and glazed chestnuts. And throughout the year in many countries, the “pilong” chestnuts, which are dried fruits, are popular.
For better preservation of chestnuts, they are dried or canned. But the freezing option is no worse – then you can add fruits to different dishes, which acquire a unique taste.