How to store cabbage in winter; how to store cauliflower
It is convenient and profitable to store cabbage for future use; it is traditionally laid for winter storage. In cooking, the plant is used for fermentation, preparation of first and second courses, pie fillings. How to store cabbage in winter so that the cabbage retains its juiciness for as long as possible? You will find all the information you need in this article.
How to store cauliflower and cabbage?
How to store cabbage in the basement
There are several recommendations for keeping cabbage almost until spring.
- Before storing the plant, you just need to dig it out, without removing the root system and without cutting off the trunk. You will need to tie a strong rope to it and hang the forks upside down from the ceiling. Cabbage will stay fresh and juicy for a long time.
- Do not remove the integumentary leaves from the fork. During the storage period, it will be necessary to periodically revise, removing the rotten and too dry.
- The selected part of the floor is covered with a layer of wet sand approximately 20 cm thick. Cabbage with uncut stems is stuck into the sand. In this form, it is stored for a very long time. If the sand dries up, it is slightly moistened.
- It is necessary to prepare a chatterbox from clay and dip the forks cut from the trunk into it. Let the cabbage air dry and store it.
- The cabbage is placed in a box and sprinkled with sifted sand.
- If the cellar is dry, then the following method is used: cabbage forks with a cut off trunk are wrapped with newsprint and placed on a shelf so that there are no points of contact between them. Newspapers can be replaced with regular cling film. In this case, the forks will be protected from oxygen and will retain their freshness well.
All methods have stood the test of time and are suitable for all varieties of white cabbage, except for the early ones.
Cauliflower is tastier than white cabbage. But in storage it is more problematic. You can store it like this:
- Put the heads cleared of roots and integumentary leaves in the boxes. Cover them with cling film. Important: the temperature in the cellar should be kept around 0 ° C with an air humidity of 95%. In this form, cabbage can be stored for about one and a half months. But you need to periodically check the bookmark to remove the spoiled heads.
- Cabbage can be hung by stubs. Shelf life is 3 weeks.
- Put the peeled cauliflower in a plastic bag and place in the refrigerator in the fruit drawer. Storage duration is a week.
The best way to store cauliflower is to freeze it. In this form, its inflorescences can be used for cooking throughout the year. The heads are pre-disassembled into small inflorescences and slightly boiled. Then they are packed in bags and stored in the freezer.