How to store and eat honey in combs at home; how to get honey from honeycomb
Honey is a unique natural product that miraculously combines rich taste, sweetness and health benefits. The most natural honey is sold in wax combs. If you managed to buy just such, it is worth learning how to eat honey in combs in order to enjoy, heal the body and not harm it.
How to eat honey in honeycombs
Honeycombs are the same natural product as honey, so people have long paid attention to the possibility of their joint use.
The benefits and harms of honey in honeycombs
In the combs, the product is stored in its original form, it is not influenced by any environmental factors, vitamins and nutrients are not destroyed. The honeycomb is also saturated with them, and a layer of propolis settles on the wax walls, which actively heals wounds, fights inflammation and relieves pain.
Is it okay to eat honeycombs? Of course, because in this way the body will receive not only maximum benefits, but also pleasure. Chewing wax is an excellent prevention of oral cavity diseases.
Useful properties of honey in combs:
- strengthening immunity;
- elimination of various colds;
- normalization of the nervous system;
- getting rid of headaches, even migraines;
- bowel cleansing – wax that enters the stomach acts as an adsorbent and removes harmful substances from the body;
- cleaning the teeth and the entire mouth;
- rejuvenation of the body;
- strengthening the heart and blood vessels.
When using honey for medicinal purposes, it should be remembered that it is a strong allergen. It is not recommended for obesity or diabetes. The high carbohydrate content requires careful monitoring of daily portions. By chewing on the honeycomb, a person increases their chances of developing tooth decay, so rinse your mouth thoroughly.
How to store honey in combs at home
In natural cells, honey is in a preserved state, so it can be stored for a long time. The main condition is not to damage the casing. These are the same wax caps that bees create so that the fruits of their labors do not spoil.
At home, the honeycomb is divided into large pieces, put in containers with opaque walls, covered with a lid and left in a room with a temperature of about +5 degrees.
A refrigerator is suitable for these purposes.
Before you get honey out of the honeycomb, you must take into account that this will deprive it of a lot of useful properties. Therefore, beekeepers often prefer to keep it unchanged and consume it as needed.
To extract honey, it is enough to arm yourself with a small container and an ordinary sieve. First, the comb is carefully cut off from the honeycomb, then they are turned over onto a sieve so that the honey flows into a saucepan or bowl placed under it. This process is not fast, but the honey in the combs does not thicken, so it will gradually leave them.
The leftovers can be chewed together with the wax, the main thing is not to forget to put empty honeycombs in the refrigerator so that they do not deteriorate.
Honey is a delicious way to keep your body healthy and youthful. The main thing is not to eat too much of it, so that the benefits do not turn into harm.