How to stop your psychological addiction to adrenaline

Good day to all! Adrenaline addiction is a very common type of addiction for a modern person, already along with alcohol and drugs. Due to the fact that the need to fight for survival has practically disappeared, when the release of this hormone into the blood occurred regularly and naturally. But the need remains. Therefore, many people artificially try to mobilize their resources in order to resume this process. And today I want to talk about the ways in which it is possible to satisfy this need.

What is it and signs of occurrence

The name of this type of addiction has not yet been invented, in scientific books such a diagnosis does not yet exist, but in life it is quite real. The release of this hormone occurs during stressful situations, when a person experiences fear, horror or shock.

Signs are very easy to spot:

  • Hyperventilation of the lungs occurs due to too frequent shallow breathing
  • pupils dilate
  • Heartbeat quickens
  • Increased mobility of the whole body

How to stop your psychological addiction to adrenaline

A person is aroused and experiences sensations that are similar to alcohol or drug intoxication. And then relaxation sets in, and the pituitary gland begins to produce endorphins, which are considered hormones of happiness. This euphoria can last for several hours, after which lethargy sets in, up to a depressive state. This is the reason for the regression — there is a need to repeat the adrenaline rush in order not only to experience pleasant feelings again, but also to get rid of a hangover-like state. And so in a circle. Over time, it is formed at the chemical level, a person is not afraid of trauma due to extreme sports, and even death. There remains a thirst to live the sensations of being on the verge, it excites more than falling in love.


Psychology has long been looking for the causes of extreme cravings, and it has been found that addiction begins to form in childhood, plus there is a genetic predisposition. By the way, you can take a test to determine how addicted you are.

There is a gene that is responsible for the passion for alcohol, drugs and, accordingly, for adrenaline. As a child, a teenager can get addicted to trying to assert himself, to prove to himself and everyone his coolness, to experiment in order to test what he is capable of.

But in an adult, mature age, the following reasons can provoke:

  • Low self-esteem. When the child grows up and the insecurities remain, the grown man or woman simply needs an outlet of energy so that he or she can thus declare to the world about himself, about his courage or belonging to adulthood. Men begin to get involved, for example, in football, eventually becoming an active fan. Or they take big risks when doing business, achieving success. In the article “The best methods for achieving success that will help you finally believe in yourself”, I already said that a person has a polarity of qualities, for example, if he is very cowardly, then there are definitely moments and situations when this person behaves fearlessly. Therefore, the polarity of uncertainty «shoots» in extreme sports or risky business.
  • positive reinforcement. Having experienced such euphoria a couple of times, a person simply sits down on a constant desire to live it. Having jumped once with a parachute, or made a steep rafting in kayaks, there is a possibility that there will be a desire to repeat, with increased risk, since the previous level of difficulty will no longer be so exciting.
  • Profession. Due to the daily living of stress and risk in work activities, a person can simply no longer imagine his life without it. Adrenaline flashes are constantly experienced by the military, athletes, firefighters … And after completing a career, or having served a contract, they cannot find themselves in a measured and calm life.


How to stop your psychological addiction to adrenaline

In addition to the fact that basically there is always a threat to life, constant bursts of the hormone in the body entail a deterioration in health.

  • Problems of a psychological nature. Due to the constant bursts of adrenaline, the body is depleted, there is no way to recover morally, rely on internal resources. Then there is such a symptom as emotional burnout. When in the morning there is no strength to get out of bed, perform your duties and generally communicate with someone. Depression can also begin, the meaning of life will disappear and there will be a constant feeling of anxiety.
  • There are disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system. High risk of getting a heart attack from extreme sports, tachycardia, pressure surges may occur.
  • Irrational use of the body’s resources leads to convulsions, difficulties with the respiratory system. And also there is a high probability of falling into a coma.
  • Depletion of the nervous system. Since there is too active consumption of nerve cells.
  • Women are at risk of infertility.
  • The level of useful and necessary substances, for example, calcium, decreases. Which over time leads to frequent trauma even at home.

How to appease?

How to stop your psychological addiction to adrenaline

  1. Treatment, as in other types of addictions, begins with the recognition and awareness of the problem. Because until you understand that the problem exists, no one and nothing can help you. The most important thing is the willingness of the person himself to do something about it. Re-read carefully what consequences your passion can lead to, and think about whether you are ready to sacrifice health and relationships with loved ones in order to satisfy the need for euphoria?
  2. Look for other ways to boost your self-esteem. Read my article, which I already mentioned. Explore other areas where you can feel successful, have fun.
  3. Go in for sports. Not risky, but for example, running, exercising in the gym, yoga, swimming … In fact, adrenaline and endorphins are produced during any physical exercise. Only in the case of a hobby for ordinary sports, they are not only safer for health, but also more useful. And by the way, it also helps to raise self-esteem when you manage to complete the planned program in the number of approaches during exercises with dumbbells, or run as many kilometers as you have not mastered in previous times.
  4. It is quite possible to leave your passion for extreme sports, only to control the level of risk. And not to be in the first place in the value system. For example, if these are races, then not around the city, creating an emergency situation, but on special tracks, if skiing — without descents along “black tracks” and without complex acrobatic numbers.
  5. Communicate more. This is a very important point for healing, you need to learn to enjoy communication with other people, from contact with them on an emotional level, from the formation or renewal of close relationships.


It doesn’t matter if you are an active fan or a risky businessman, I want to say one thing — appreciate your life, learn to enjoy every day you live, and then you will be able to cope with addiction and take control of your life.

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