How to stop smoking during pregnancy?

Stop smoking during pregnancy: what to know

“There is no point in reducing the number of packages, we have to stop completely. A woman who smokes five fewer cigarettes a day unconsciously pulls the ones she allows herself much harder, her brain demanding a certain dose of nicotine. It therefore absorbs more carbon monoxide, dangerous for the baby. Some stop spontaneously at the start of pregnancy, “thanks” to the hormonal upheaval. They are sickened from the first puff. the smoking cessation should otherwise be part of the overall management of pregnancy in women who really want to quit. “

Stop smoking with alternative medicine

Homeopathy is very popular with smokers who want to get rid of their addiction. So, to detoxify your body, you can call on a homeopath who will prescribe you a cure of Tabacum or Nicotum. Gradually, as with nicotine replacement therapy, the dose of the drug will be reduced. And since the homeopathy tube looks like a lighter, you also compensate for a kind of tactile lack.

To avoid stress, the feeling of lack or weight gain, also know that acupuncture, derived from Chinese medicine, can cause real disgust with tobacco. The acupuncturist introduces fine needles to specific points on the body. Lhypnosis  sophrologie and relaxation…, these different therapies help to suppress psychological dependence on tobacco. They consist of reflect on their relationship to cigarettes and calm the effects of withdrawal and stresss.

Smoking cessation: talk groups

There are groups of words everywhere in France. Thanks to them, you will meet women who will share their experiences with you. Some have been successful in quitting smoking while pregnant, others are trying, like you. Knowing that other people are in the same situation will reassure you and encourage you. Natylen, one of our loyal Internet users, says: “When I found out I was pregnant, I stubbed out the last cigarette I was smoking. Every time I was about to light another one, I thought very hard about my child in my womb, to the point of imagining him being poisoned by my fault ”. She held on and decided to help other moms-to-be. For over a year, she has participated in a support group with doctors, midwives, ex-smokers and future ex-smokers. “Helping other people to quit, if only during pregnancy, gives additional motivation to continue to fight against smoking, because there really are other pleasures besides nicotine.”

Pregnancy and smoking cessation: can we crack for a cigarette from time to time?

“Of course and she mustn’t feel guilty!” It can happen to take a wrong step under stress or other special circumstances. A cigarette cannot harm the baby. However, it is better to keep the patch stuck permanently, even for a small gap. Thus, the mother-to-be will not enjoy smoking as much, since nicotine is already circulating in her body, and that is the desired goal! “

Pregnancy and smoking: how to avoid weight gain when you quit smoking?

“Let’s clarify the received ideas: quitting smoking can indeed make you fat. But in reality, it is rather the fact of smoking that helps to keep the figure … Smokers are generally 4 kilos less weight than the average. Because smoking requires energy, we burn calories. Obviously, when you stop and you don’t want to take a gram, you have to pay more attention to your diet and resume or increase physical activity. Future mothers must adopt a healthy lifestyle anyway, whether they try to quit smoking or not. “

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