How to stop seizing stress

It’s nothing new to us that we eat up stress. However, we never received any sensible advice on how to cope with stress without food.

With sweets and sandwiches, everything is clear – we chose them as comforters because they are available. A minute – and a bar with a cup of tea is on the table, another couple of minutes – and a slide of sandwiches is ready. To combat the habit of seizing stress, you need to offer an equally affordable alternative to this harmful way of getting rid of negative emotions. And then you do not have to go on rigid diets and use exhausting fitness for weight loss.


Bad mood list

Take a piece of paper, a pen, and write down as many activities as you can that calm you down as effectively as eating. Be as specific as possible, because in states of frustration, resentment and apathy, there is no desire to make extra efforts. So all the tools should be at your fingertips.

For example, it could be a list like this:

  • Watch the movie The Thomas Crown Affair.
  • Read Dan Brown’s Inferno.
  • Call Anya – she has an endless supply of optimism and funny stories.
  • Get a nice new notebook for plans and ideas.
  • Take a bath with aromatic oils.
  • Choose the country where you will go on your next vacation. Jot down a list of attractions you want to visit.
  • Listen to and dance to Spanish songs.
  • Throw away everything that is unnecessary and do a small rearrangement, etc.

Top Stress Relief Activities

Of course, everyone will have their own list.

However, even the above list demonstrates the main activities that are great at relieving stress and replacing food. This is a reading that gives you the opportunity to plunge into the world of heroes’ adventures. In a couple of pages, you will completely forget about your failures and will follow with might and main the cover that Robert Langdon got into. By the way, reading is at the top of the list of the best stress-relieving activities. The top 3 also includes music (not necessarily Spanish, but better vigorous) and a walk in the fresh air (the influx of fresh air relieves tension, gives clarity of mind, improves mood).


Socializing with positive friends is a great stress reliever, so make friends with those people. Communication with them is a real holiday.

Finally, any planning – creative projects, vacations, the next week – allows you to leave today’s worries and look with optimism to the future, which you can build yourself, arranging the important things and activities for you on the lines of the page, planning what can change your life. for the better, something that inspires you to new victories and achievements.

So, the list of activities to relieve stress is something like this:

  • inspiring reading;
  • walk in the fresh air;
  • inviting, inspiring music;
  • project planning;
  • travel planning;
  • getting rid of unnecessary things that annoy you;
  • buying new things that inspire you;
  • changes in the environment, appearance, etc.

Remember to tweak the list by making it:

  • more inviting (hey, friend, let’s dance to Juanes!);
  • more specific, so that in moments of sadness you do not have to puzzle over what to read and who to call it.
  • accessible (let it hang in a conspicuous place).

Relieve stress without food!


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