How To Stop Excessive Hair Loss?

Excessive hair loss is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a health problem that cannot be underestimated. How can you prevent your lush pony from turning into a ponytail?

Excessive hair loss – doctor

If you are losing more than 100 hairs a day, consult a dermatologist or trichologist who can help you find the cause of the problem. Hair loss may be the result of a history of disease, stress, anemia, inadequate diet, taking certain medications (e.g. cytostatics, immunosuppressants, vitamin A, β-blockers).

Systemic diseases that can lead to hair loss include: thyroid disease, diabetes, cancer, and scalp diseases (psoriasis, mycosis, seborrheic dermatitis). In women after childbirth or during the menopause, hair loss may be caused by hormonal disorders.

For hair care and improving its condition, try:

  1. Arganicare Aloe Vera shampoo with aloe vera for dry hair ends and oily scalp,
  2. Arganicare Aloe Vera conditioner with aloe vera for dry hair ends and oily scalp,
  3. Arganicare Aloe Vera mask with aloe vera for dry and dull hair,
  4. Arganicare Aloe Vera serum with aloe vera for dry and dull hair.

Cosmetics are available at Medonet Market at a promotional price.

Zobacz: Hair loss after pregnancy – what is it caused?

Excessive hair loss – give up sugar

Do you eat fast food and drink hectoliters of coffee, which hinders the absorption of iron and zinc? No wonder your strands have become thin and brittle. The enemy of thick hair is also alcohol, which not only rinses nutrients from the body, but also dries out the scalp and hair shaft. In addition, it helps to crush the tips. How is sugar? Unfortunately, chocolate bars, wafers and colorful dragees affect not only weight. They are also responsible for faster oily scalp and dandruff.

Appropriate supplementation can prevent hair loss. Buy Keratin Hair Complex today with black rice extract and grape seed extract, which stimulates hair growth and makes it strong and shiny. You can also check Zinc chelate, which, thanks to the zinc content, accelerates hair growth and takes care of it from the roots to the ends.

Excessive hair loss – nutrients

From now on, products rich in vitamins and minerals should appear on your plate. First of all, oily sea fish, such as herring, mackerel or salmon, which are a good source of omega-3 acids, proteins, amino acids, and vitamins: A and D. Another ingredient that determines the appearance of our hairstyle is iron – an element that strengthens the hair structure . Its deficiency not only means that the brush is cleaned more often, but can also contribute to anemia (anemia). The best source of iron are products of animal origin, which provide the so-called heme iron with the bioavailability of about 40 percent. Include in your diet: turkey, lean beef and offal.

It is also worth including 440 mg field horsetail for hair, skin and nails in your diet. It provides, among others vitamin C, iron, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Additionally, it is a source of silica, which is part of collagen. Proper care can also prevent hair loss. At Medonet Market you can buy a set of hemp cosmetics, which, thanks to the content of nettle, caffeine and rosemary, strengthens the hair and improves the process of their growth. You will also find professional cosmetics against hair loss there:

  1. Delpos shampoo for hair loss,
  2. Delpos hair loss lotion,
  3. Delpos hair loss mask.

Also try CAPITAVIT – a hair care balm that is used before washing your hair. It prevents split ends, reduces brittleness and facilitates detangling.

Excessive hair loss – not only biotin

Before you reach for dietary supplements, look for vitamins on your plate. Biotin (vitamin H), which is an energy stimulus for hair growth, is found in yeast, milk and liver. Very important for the proper functioning of keratinocytes, i.e. the cells that build the hair shaft – vitamin B5 is present in the liver, egg yolks and bee products.

The condition of our hair, skin and nails is also influenced by the vitamins of youth: A, C and E. Look for them in green, red and orange vegetables and fruits. One more thing: replace your daily espresso with horsetail tea, a precious source of silicon. You can buy horsetail herb for making such tea at Medonet Market.

At Medonet Market you can also order a dietary supplement for hair, nails and skin with horsetail, biotin and keratin The Q Hair, Nails, Skin. Also try N ° 1 Beautiful HAIR – a supplement for beautiful hair, containing extracts of saw palmetto, chaste fruit, bamboo and nettle. Additionally, the preparation contains biotin. You can buy the supplement on Medonet Market at a promotional price.

It is also worth reaching for Nails – hair – skin – Beauty Terranova Complex, which strengthens the hair and additionally supports the condition of the skin and nails.

Excessive hair loss – quitting smoking

Smoking is not only responsible for cancer, heart attacks, respiratory diseases or faster aging of the body. Nicotine also has an effect on hair loss. It causes the blood vessels to constrict, which leads to a reduced release of oxygen in the tissues and their insufficient nutrition. As a result of smoking, our hair becomes dull, dry and brittle.

In order for hair to fall out less, you can reach for the EPTA HAIR Anti-Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo or the EPTA HAIR Anti-Loss Hair Lotion, which you can buy separately at or in the EPTA HAIR Anti-Loss Hair Set.

Excessive hair loss and styling

If your hair is falling off your head, make changes to your daily care as soon as possible! And we do not only want to use professional shampoos for hair loss, but also to give up invasive care treatments such as coloring, decolorization or extensions. At home, avoid hot styling with a straightener or curling iron and forget about silicone shampoos that dry your hair. Let your cosmetic bag contain natural oils: argan, coconut, jojoba, which will restore your hairstyle to its former shine.

Proper care also has an impact on reducing hair loss. By choosing the right cosmetics, you can take care of them every day. We recommend products available on Medonet Market:

  1. Capillus shampoo with caffeine extract,
  2. strengthening and smoothing Biolaven shampoo,
  3. lavender hydrolate, which, thanks to its natural ingredients, is perfect for inhibiting hair loss and supporting hair growth,
  4. Green Laboratory aromatherapy hair shampoo with essential oils, which stimulates hair growth by improving blood circulation and strengthening the hair roots,
  5. Orientana tonic for hair loss, which rebuilds the hair structure and stimulates its growth,
  6. Green Laboratory detoxifying shampoo containing lavender oil, which inhibits excessive hair loss,
  7. Ayurvedic therapy for hair loss Orientana with vegetable oils preventing excessive hair loss.

Also read: Steam straightener – how to use, for whom, how does it work?

Excessive hair loss – home remedies

In the fight against hair loss, it is worth using the home methods that our grandmothers used. You can apply a mixture of beaten eggs on wet hair or prepare a gel mask of linseed. The scalp massage with the addition of castor oil, which, in addition to vitamin E, contains fatty acids that stimulate hair growth will bring equally good results. If you want to give your scalp and hair an injection of silicon, use horsetail rinses and rubs.

Also try Hops Cones, which can be brewed like a tea and drunk regularly to restore hair thickness. It is also worth reaching for the Klimuszko Herbal Liquid Hair Treatment for hair and scalp. The preparation will regenerate the hair follicles and improve their condition.

Excessive hair loss and stress

Stress is the most common cause of hair problems. Living under the influence of incessant nerves causes the hair follicles to go from the development stage to the resting stage. As a result, they stop growing and their loss increases. How to counteract it? It’s best to find an activity that will effectively calm your mind. Maybe yoga, meditation or running?

  1. Always remember about proper hair care to take care of their condition also through the use of appropriate cosmetics. Reach for example for Dr Duda’s set of cosmetics for healthy and strong hair, currently available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Also read: Hair treatments – botox, keratin, hair oiling

Excessive hair loss and the sun

We all love summer, but our hair doesn’t like it. High temperature, harsh sun rays, wind, and when on vacation, sea salt and sand – all this adversely affects their condition. If you want to protect yourself against hair loss and stress in summer, use protective cosmetics with UV filters and wear fashionable hats.

It is worth using an intensively regenerating horsetail shampoo, which strengthens the bulbs and additionally facilitates detangling the hair.

Also, do not forget about FLOSLEK products, which are very popular and effective. Order now:

  1. ELESTABion® W anti-hair loss shampoo regenerating the scalp and strengthening the bulbs,
  2. Strengthening hair mask ELESTABion® W, which protects hair against the harmful effects of external factors,
  3. ELESTABion® W anti-loss hair lotion that improves the condition of the scalp, stimulates hair bulbs to grow and strengthens the hair.

Excessive hair loss – the last resort

What if supplementation, diet and proper care do not help? You can always turn to a specialist for help and try one of the specialized treatments. Carboxytherapy, i.e. injecting the scalp with carbon dioxide, is designed to improve the process of creating new capillaries, which significantly improves the blood supply to the skin. As a result, the hair not only stops falling out, but also begins to grow new, thicker and stronger. Another recommended procedure is mesotherapy, during which platelet-rich plasma is administered.

It is worth using appropriate cosmetics for hair loss, eg Propolia BeeYes BIO gentle shampoo with honey is completely natural, it stimulates collagen production and strengthens the bulbs.

For a long time you have not been able to find the cause of your ailments or are you still looking for it? Do you want to tell us your story or draw attention to a common health problem? Write to the address [email protected] #Together we can do more

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