How to stay happy after the holidays

How to keep good spirits, good mood and taste for life even after vacations, holidays, weekends? Eight recommendations from an Australian psychologist.

1. Develop optimism

During the holidays we are full of optimism. We are less likely to talk about the injustice of the world, simply accepting it as it is. We do everything in the best possible way: we look at things more neutrally, we are less nervous, we show ourselves from the best sides. Do not lose this attitude after the holidays.

2. Choose experiences, not things

Memories of happy events, vacations and holidays warm after many years, while the joy of owning some thing quickly disappears. Bright moments experienced with others bring us closer, remind us of those who are dear. That is why it is better to stock up on impressions, and not on goods that we will get used to before the end of the holidays.

3. Take care of your health

One of the important reasons why we feel better during the holidays is the “recharge” of the body. We move a lot, find time for sports and cooking, sleep more. Satisfying these basic needs is especially important for happiness and well-being. If we want to feel like this and continue, it is worth monitoring our health constantly.

4. Try new things and experiment

Holidays are often associated with adventure. This is a chance to visit unfamiliar places, make new friends, try something new for the first time. Being able to be curious makes us happier. And the end of the holidays doesn’t have to mean the end of the adventure: don’t deprive yourself of the fun, go somewhere for the weekend, go to workshops and courses, try something new at every opportunity.

5. Limit Gadgets

Obviously, the development of technology, the spread of smartphones and the advent of the Internet allows work to follow us everywhere. As a rule, during the holidays, we are happy to put aside all work activities in order to devote time and attention to family, friends and ourselves. In the same way, it is useful to limit the use of gadgets and put aside laptops and phones, not only during holidays.

6. Capture the moment

On holidays, we are more focused on the present. On weekdays, we often think completely about what we are doing at the moment. This means that for almost half the time we are awake, we do not live in the present, although happiness lies precisely in it. In order to learn to seize the moment, it is important to be attentive and aware – as we usually are on vacation. For example, at dinner, focus on food, listening to a friend – on what he says, and playing sports – on the sensations in the body.

7. Be grateful

Gratitude is one of the keys to happiness. It allows us to enjoy what we have instead of regretting what we don’t have. During the holidays, we often give thanks and help others ourselves. In English, there is even a term “Helper’s High” – this is the name for the pleasant feeling that we experience after helping someone. It is in our power to make sure that this feeling does not leave us even on weekdays: after all, no one bothers to help colleagues, neighbors and random passers-by all year round.

8. Spend time with your loved ones

Holidays are also good because they allow you to meet with family and friends more often. Spend more time with your loved ones for no reason: just get together for Sunday dinner, lunch, a cup of coffee. According to surveys, people who have five or more close friends are 60% happier.

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