How to stay forever young: personal trainer tips Aniston

In recent years, Jennifer has increasingly amazed her fans with her athletic figure.

This is largely due to the founder of Gloveworx and her personal boxing trainer Leyon Azubuike, who has brought many stars into great shape.

The complex of his workouts includes boxing, strength loads and exercises to develop endurance, stability, cardio and balance.

In addition to teaching the correct hitting technique, he also closely monitors that his star clients are eating right: “The advice I gave Jennifer Aniston in due time: always eat food that gives you energy and makes you feel good.” He himself adores and recommends avocados, coconut oil, salmon, which contain so-called good fats. Layon calculates the amount of protein and carbohydrates based on the size and weight of his charges. An hour before training, Leion eats a peanut butter sandwich and a banana to give his body the energy it needs, and Jennifer advises doing the same.

Jennifer is good from head to toe!

His second secret is “water, water and more water”. “You shouldn’t feel dehydrated. You can’t just go out and drink five liters of water in one gulp. You need to constantly carry a bottle of water with you and drink in small sips, “- quotes the trainer of the Daily Mail. Leijon warns against drinking a lot of water when you feel thirsty, because then you will feel heavy and tired during your workout.

And one more tip – a full night’s sleep before going to the gym, so as not to be exhausted the next day. He considers it optimal to sleep 6-7 hours.

Jennifer herself adores her coach with his fantastic smile and calls him her “gentle giant”. She even posted a photo in his arms after a particularly grueling workout.

Leyon is proud of his famous student and posts photos with her on the covers of magazines, praising her appearance and character in the comments: “This is the most hardworking, beautiful, energetic and extraordinary woman in my entire life. I am proud to be her coach. “

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