How To Stay Calm When Stress Is Around
Panic attacks, crises, pessimistic forecasts for the future: the psychotherapist shared the secrets of how not to panic in the face of the coronavirus pandemic and other misfortunes.
The news feeds of the last month more and more resemble reports from the front and bear little resemblance to the chronicle of peacetime. The coronavirus infection COVID-19, which has spread throughout the world, has hit all walks of life. Panic attacks, crises, pessimistic forecasts for the future – in such an environment it is quite difficult to maintain composure and calmness. But it’s spring outside the window, and at this time we usually feel a surge of strength. Together with an expert, head of the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the European Medical Center Natalia Rivkina the editors of figured out how to maintain a good mood, not succumb to general panic and cope with overstrain.
Head of the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the European Medical Center
What’s happening?
The fall in demand and oil prices, the failure of the OPEC-Russia negotiations, as a result, the fall in stock markets and the exchange rate – all this could not but have a negative impact on the Russian economy. Incessant discussions between opponents and supporters of the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation further increase the anxiety and concern of the society. Not to mention the fact that these events are unfolding against the backdrop of a coronavirus infection, recognized by the World Health Organization as a pandemic. Such news negatively affects the psycho-emotional state of a person, causing stress. Let’s see what it is.
What is stress?
Distress is a normal reaction of the human body to irritation. Such a state is perceived and experienced in a purely individual way. Someone believes that it is enough just not to think about the source of stress, and the reaction to stress will pass as if nothing had happened. Someone too fixates on the problem, while forgetting that you need to look for ways to solve it. The following is important: no matter how you feel about stressful situations, remember that a total ignorance of stressful manifestations is likely to lead to emotional burnout… Then it will be extremely difficult to find resources for recovery.
How do you know if you are trapped in distress?
If you notice in yourself signs of constant anxiety, a feeling of fear, decreased concentration, sleep disturbance, then most likely you have not avoided a negative stress reaction.
Here are some simple yet effective tips to help you manage your surge.
Understand what is bothering you.
1. It is very important to understand what exactly you are afraid of: now, for example, someone is afraid of getting sick, someone is more worried about their loved ones, and someone is haunted by the dollar rate and the state of savings.
2. Next, ask yourself the question: “Can I influence this?” If the answer is yes, then take steps to improve the situation and you will succeed! If the answer is no, take the situation for granted and try to find positive aspects in it.
Forced to stay at home in quarantine due to coronavirus? An excellent excuse to master new culinary recipes, to develop the habit of washing your hands, which is extremely useful at all times. Yes, you cannot go to movies, theaters and restaurants. Take it for granted, which you cannot influence, and look for the pros in what happened.
Find and eliminate the trigger for your anxiety
If you are stressed by the news that comes to your smartphone every minute, turn off notifications. Also, try not to be distracted by gadgets while you are doing business. And here’s the good news: Watching a series counts as an occupation, so in isolation, each of us is a busy person.
Don’t forget about physical activity
It should be normalized, taking into account your individual characteristics. You can always find time to exercise, stretch, or squat. In combination with breathing exercises, a positive effect is guaranteed!
Pay special attention to family and friends
First of all, do not forget about communication and do not close yourself off from loved ones. You can share your fears and fears with them, they like no one else are able to understand you. It has been found that people who restrict communication with family and friends exacerbate the situation, and it is more difficult for them to cope with manifestations of stress. If people close to you are around, this is a good reason to organize family rituals. For example, spend an hour after dinner every night playing a board game or watching and discussing a movie. If your loved ones are far away, contact them by phone, Skype, FaceTime. The main thing is not to lose contact and always be in touch.
Always remember children
Children often react sharply to many events, and their symptoms and manifestations belong to different registers: sleep disturbances, mood changes, emotional outbursts. Adults, in turn, should be mindful of the fragile child’s psyche and minimize the impact of their stressful state on the younger generation.
Contact a specialist
If you feel that you yourself cannot get out of a prolonged stressful state, you need to seek professional help. Experienced doctors who can diagnose psychoemotional disorders in the early stages will tell you if there is any reason for concern. In addition, the possible online format of consultations with specialists greatly simplifies the communication between doctor and patient.
Don’t ignore these simple yet powerful tips. Always remember that every event is neutral, and your mood depends on which way you turn it.
Do you feel anxious about this situation?
Sometimes. What scares me the most is the unknown.
No. I feel comfortable at home with my family.
I am very overexposed because of what is happening and do not find support anywhere.