Do you swear every time that from the new year you will start a new life? It couldn’t be easier if you set yourself achievable goals. Start small. Here are 12 little things you can do to change your life for the better. The list of little things was compiled by a specialist in healthy lifestyles and longevity, chief physician of the Republican Center for Human Reproduction, Doctor of Medical Sciences Mikhail Koryakin.
1. In the morning we take a shower to cleanse the skin, but our internal organs are also eager to shower. Drink 1 glass of boiled water on an empty stomach, you can add 1 tsp to it. honey.
2. Include in your daily diet low-fat fermented milk products with bifidobacteria. An excellent option is kefir, drink it 2 hours before bedtime. Kefir with such useful fillers will not only improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, but will not allow harmful microorganisms to develop and strengthen the cardiovascular system.
3. Replace sugar with honey. Of course, you will not lose weight from honey, but unlike sugar, it is simply stuffed with useful substances: vitamins, potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, copper, zinc, phytoncides, malic, citric, lactic acids. Honey slows down aging, restores tissues, participates in the formation of hormones, accelerates metabolism, fights against pathogenic microbes, improves digestion, tones and soothes depending on the variety. If you are not able to give up cakes and other sweets, choose or cook those that are made with honey, there are now many of them. However, remember that honey cannot be put into hot tea or water: then the beneficial substances will disappear.
4. To make the day happy, regardless of the circumstances, create a good mood in the morning. It will only take you a few minutes. Psychologists call this exercise “mirror work.” Surely you have a mirror at home in which you are reflected in full growth. After your morning shower, stand in front of this negligee mirror, smile, examine yourself and praise, say to yourself, for example, the following text: “How beautiful I am, what bright eyes I have, what thick hair, what seductive breasts, what a sexy tummy.” If you do this exercise every day, then after a few days you will feel how you will become more confident, cheerful and ready to fight any setbacks.
5. Your boss shouted at you or you got your foot crushed in the subway, the mood is immediately worse than ever. Getting back into good spirits is easy. Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders and smile. This is what a happy person looks like. The secret is that when you artificially assume the “pose of happiness”, the muscles will send impulses to the brain and it will actually start producing endomorphins – the hormones of happiness.
6. Buy instep supports and insert them into your shoes. It is best to do this in a specialized orthopedic store, where a sales assistant will help you choose the instep supports that are suitable for you. What are they needed for? Firstly, your posture will become better, secondly, your legs will not get tired, and thirdly, this is an excellent prevention of diseases of the feet and legs.
7. Introduce olive oil into your diet. Scientists have found that the inhabitants of the Mediterranean are less susceptible to atherosclerotic diseases, precisely because they constantly consume olive oil. With the help of olive oil, vitamins A, E, D are better absorbed, it nourishes the brain, prevents the development of tumors, has great energy strength and has a slight laxative effect.
8. Take up cooking only when you are in a good mood. Otherwise, the dishes will turn out to be tasteless and will not benefit the body.
9. Do you often have to ask again, what do they tell you? It may well be that the point is not at all in the emerging deafness. After 40 years, people very often accumulate a secret of glands in their ears – sulfur plugs. They can only be removed by a doctor, so visit an otolaryngologist. And your hearing will improve immediately.
10. Make a faithful four-legged friend! The dog is a living source of joy. And also a real healer. When you stroke your favorite dog, the heart rate slows down, breathing becomes even, muscle tension decreases, and you fall into a state of relaxation. Remember that the main reasons for unhealthy lifestyles are lack of physical activity and lack of fresh air? Dog owners go for a walk in any weather and in any mood. British researchers estimate that dog owners spend at least 8 hours a week outdoors. And they usually walk in squares and parks. On walks, they do not just walk, but also play with pets. And veterinarians have noticed that 70% of dogs have the same diseases as their owners. This, in their opinion, confirms the theory that dogs take over some of the diseases of the owners.
11. This, of course, can not be called a trifle, but it is a very effective way to turn back the clock. Plan to have a baby at 50. By this time, the female body is tuned into extinction, and pregnancy and childbirth will force it to change the program and readjust to the course of rejuvenation. Psychologically, you will also feel completely different: you will have to lead an active lifestyle for a long time in order to raise and raise a child.
12. Smile more often! A simple smile is an effective means of fighting not only bad moods, but also colds, flu, infectious, cardiovascular and other diseases. Scientists have discovered that when we smile and stretch our facial muscles because of this, they send signals to the brain, which in response activates blood circulation and the production of beneficial antibodies that fight viruses and bacteria. Smiling relieves stress and tune the brain to be productive. Smiling isn’t that hard. On the street, pay attention to children, animals, for most people, their behavior causes both affection and a smile. Review your favorite photos. Turn on the TV while showing comedies, entertainment programs, read jokes. Scientists say that even when you are not at all happy, and you stretch your mouth in a smile, the brain will still receive a positive signal, and your mood will really improve. Psychotherapists advise starting the day with a simple exercise. Stand in front of the mirror and smile to yourself.
Antenna-Telesem, Veronica Barabash