How to start doing 10 steps a day? Tricks and tips to help you

Not only a diet, but also daily physical activity are able to keep you healthy and slim. It is worth doing about 10 each day. steps. Sounds scary? Not necessarily! To achieve such a result, you do not need to be a very athletic person. All you need to do is follow a few important tips that will make your form grow stronger day by day.

10 thousand steps a day. How to Prepare?

Danny Gordon, a certified personal trainer, advises you to approach the matter in a professional manner. For this, he has prepared a list of things you need to take care of in order to start working on the form.

Buy a pedometer

This is one of the easiest points on the list. There is a wide selection of pedometers on the market today. This inconspicuous item will be able to count your every activity. Thanks to this, at the end of the day, he will show you if you gave it your best or if you just let go of the work on the form.

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Track how many steps you take during the day

If you already have the necessary equipment, check the number of steps you have taken for the first few days. Remember not to change your routine. Also, compare how many steps you take per week versus how many over the weekend. This will give you a complete picture of what your physical activity looks like. You’ll also know what needs to be worked on.

Buy comfortable walking shoes

This is not a fad at all. A comfortable pair of walking shoes will encourage you to take up your next activity. Nobody can imagine traveling 10 thousand. steps in footwear, which rubs, presses and makes us feel constant pain in our legs.

Increase your walking daily at small intervals

The best way to achieve 10 steps in one day is a routine change. Thanks to this, you will gain small breaks for walks. Start by adding 300 to 500 steps each day until you reach your goal. Changing your routine at short intervals will make your body naturally adapt to the new demands you put on it. This makes it easier for you to succeed.

Record your progress in a journal

Track the progress you make every day. In a notebook, carefully and in detail, write down how you achieved your goal. Control how many active walking you took and how many steps you took were accidental (for example, during your daily household activities).

Once you have gathered all of this information, it’s time to learn from it and act. Danny Gordon tells you what to do to increase the number of steps you take randomly each day.

10 thousand steps a day. Practical tips

Use the stairs instead of taking the elevator

Abandoning the elevator is a great way to climb and take more steps. Especially if you live or work in a building that consists of many floors.

Use a bathroom that is further away from you

If at work you have a choice of a bathroom that is just around the corner or one that you have to walk to a bit, always choose the latter. This is a natural way to cover longer distances. This allows your body to finally straighten up and the existing muscles to start working. At the same time, you improve blood flow, and thus – oxygenate the body. So many benefits, so little effort!

Walk in place while completing stationary tasks

If you are on the phone with someone, walk back and forth. Do not stand still or sit still. This way, you won’t get extra steps and your body won’t be able to move. Moreover, by focusing on the conversation, you will not even notice that you are doing some sort of physical activity.

Take small walks during your break from work

If you are taking a break from work, don’t spend it sitting and gossiping with your colleagues. Better take a little walk around the building or go out in the fresh air. Thanks to this, you will not only gain additional steps, but also refresh your tired mind.

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