The walnut belongs to the nut family. Its beneficial properties have a beneficial effect on the human body and significantly enhance immunity. This is a high-calorie product, it contains a large amount of fat. It perfectly lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood. In order to harvest a good harvest, you should know how to germinate a walnut.
Seed selection
One of the important steps is the right choice of seeds. For this, seeds with a thin shell and those that have just fallen from a tree are suitable. You can also knock nuts off the tree yourself, but they must be ripe and intact.
It is not recommended to purchase seeds in stores, where their freshness is unknown. Before planting, you should carefully examine the seed material for spots, damage, dots.
It is not necessary to peel the nuts, but in this case, their germination slows down. When peeling, it is very important not to damage the inside of the fruit. It is better to do this with gloves, because during prolonged work with walnuts, dark spots may remain on the hands, which are very persistent and difficult to wash.
After cleaning, place the nuts in water. Those that drown are suitable for landing, which means they have a whole core. Undamaged fruits germinate faster.
Video “Landing”
From the video you will learn how to properly plant nuts.
How to plant
For the correct planting of a walnut, you must follow simple recommendations. Since walnut seeds are in a dense shell, they must be stratified. Then sprouts will easily appear. This procedure should be carried out if planting is expected in the fall.
If planting is scheduled for spring, then the seeds need hardening. Fruits are selected only fresh. If you take seeds that have lain for a while, this will reduce their potential for germination.
Those nuts that are well taken out of the container are laid out in the sun so that they dry out a little. So they are left for a few days.
After picking up the optimal place for landing. It is best planted in slightly acidic soil, if it is too acidic, then lime must be added. The soil is dug up and a hole is made on the surface of the soil, about 8 cm deep. Nuts are placed in the groove made on the edge and seam up.
Maintain a distance between seeds of 40 cm, and between rows of one meter. After that, the fruits are buried.
In the case when a small amount of precipitation was observed in winter, the furrows are covered with sawdust and straw. The thickness of the coated layer should be at least 10-20 cm.
In the spring, when the first shoots appear, the sawdust layer is reduced to 5 cm. The convergence may be uneven.
For spring planting, seeds are kept in wet sand or sawdust for 1-3 months. In the presence of a thick shell, stratification is carried out, if it is thin, then this procedure is not performed.
The seeds are soaked in water (it is changed every day), and after a few days they are transferred to sawdust or sand. The fruits are laid out on the edge. The temperature in the room in which the seeds are left should be 5-7 degrees.
Every month, the nuts are checked, if necessary, periodically moistened. Before disembarkation, for a month, they are moved into the water. So the shell can open. Seeds should be germinated in a room where the air is warm and the temperature is 25 degrees. At the end of frosty days, those nuts that have sprouted are transplanted into open ground.
Sprouting at home
Sprouting walnuts at home is also possible and quite easy. First you need to get plastic cups with a volume of half a liter. Small holes are made in them in order to allow excess moisture to escape.
After filling the cups with soil, the seeds deepen by 5 cm. All this “work” is taken out to the balcony, and only in early February is transferred to the room. It is important to remember about regular watering.
After moving the container with seeds to an apartment or house, the first shoots should appear after 3 weeks. When they reach 10 cm in height, the sprouts are transplanted into a more spacious container. You can use plastic bottles with a capacity of 2 liters, the neck of which is cut off.
Hardening begins from the moment the temperature reaches +15 degrees outside. To do this, the sprouts are returned to the balcony again, but they try to protect them from direct sunlight. When frosts pass, the seedlings are moved to open ground. Up to this point, the plants grow up to 25 cm.
An interesting fact is that the seeds planted in the autumn period will sprout only in May and only by autumn will reach a height of 20 cm.
Where is the best place to plant
The germinated walnut is prepared for planting and a permanent “place of residence” is determined for it, where it will grow in the future. It is important to remember that over time the tree grows significantly and takes up a lot of space. So, the distance to the nearest plant should be about 5 meters.
In addition, it has a wide crown and is able to block the entry of daylight to low plants growing near it. Due to the powerful root system, landing near buildings is not advised, this can lead to damage to the foundation.
It is good to plant bushes in the neighborhood, while the walnut is young, it will not interfere with them, but after 7-9 years, the bushes will still have to be transplanted.
It is not difficult to grow a walnut, which is very healthy and has a pleasant taste.
Video “Growing”
From the video you will learn how to grow a walnut.