How to speed up your metabolism (metabolism). Video

Very often, trying to lose extra pounds as quickly as possible, people begin to limit their diet, not covering the basal metabolic rate. The body begins to store more and more calories in reserve, leaving the very minimum for its own needs. At the same time, the weight does not decrease, but stands still, sometimes even grows. There are several effective ways to help speed up your metabolism and give your body the ability to fight excess weight.

How to speed up your metabolism (metabolism)

Any food helps to speed up metabolism. About 10% of calories are spent on the processing of consumed nutrients. It is not for nothing that many diet programs include five meals a day in small portions.

The main thing is to have breakfast correctly and fully, since morning food helps to turn on and earn the metabolic process

Carbohydrates, along with fiber, are absorbed very slowly, maintaining insulin levels in the cut for several hours. When its level begins to jump, the body immediately perceives this as an alarming sign, begins to accumulate fat reserves. The body spends more energy and time on assimilation of food rich in protein than on the same operation with respect to easily digestible fats and carbohydrates. You should not overdo it with protein, as its excess in the diet has many disadvantages.

Vegetarians have an accelerated metabolism, a large amount of energy is spent on raw foods. Include up to 80% plant foods in your daily diet. And fruits, which contain plant enzymes and fruit acids, speed up the metabolism. Lemon and grapefruit improve digestion, speed up metabolic processes and promote fat burning.

The diet should also include foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids:

  • fatty fish
  • broccoli
  • linseed oil and seed
  • beans
  • cauliflower
  • walnuts
  • Chinese cabbage

Folic acid speeds up metabolic processes in the body and strengthens the immune system, found in legumes, carrots, yeast, green leafy vegetables, wheat bran and orange juice

Water is one of the main participants in the metabolic process in the human body. Water involves stored fats in metabolic processes, suppresses appetite. Try to drink as much water as possible, the lack of fluid in the body slows down the metabolism.

Absolutely any physical activity, be it swimming, breathing exercises, dancing, cycling or walking, contributes to the burning of fat. Strength exercises in this case will be preferable. Therefore, it is best to activate and increase metabolism with regular exercise.

And do not forget about a full sleep, which should be at least eight hours. Deep sleep promotes the renewal of brain cells and accelerates metabolic processes

Once a week, you should visit an infrared sauna or bath, but only if there are no contraindications. Infrared radiation speeds up metabolism, enhances cellular activity and allows skin to breathe freely. In the steam bath, steam warms up and envelops the body, stimulates metabolism, increases blood circulation in cells, opens pores and expels accumulated dirt, toxins and toxins from them. Take a contrast shower daily. This procedure not only helps to maintain the firmness of the body, but also improves metabolism. The contrast shower should end with cold water.

Gastroenterologist-hepatologist at the hospital. V.V. Vinogradov

“First, it’s worth understanding why you need to increase your metabolism. Usually this goal is pursued by people who monitor their weight and want to lose weight. There are some pretty simple ways to influence your metabolism.  

1. Reduce salt intake. Salt retains fluid in the body. You may notice swelling on your face or body in the morning if you eat fish or pickles at night. 

2. Increase physical activity. Particular preference should be given to aerobic exercise – running, cycling, etc. 

3. Monitor nutrition and water balance. The diet should include more green vegetables, be sure to have a full breakfast in the morning, drink a sufficient amount of liquid (35 ml per 1 kg of body weight). 

4. If you have been trying to lose weight for a long time, but all attempts fail, then you should contact a nutritionist. He will draw up an individual diet for you on the basis of the test results, your food diary.

Also interesting to read: walnut oil.

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