How to speed up hair growth: tips and tricks. Video

How to speed up hair growth: tips and tricks. Video

Skillful make-up and properly selected clothes can turn even an ordinary woman into a proportionally folded beauty, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to “depict” an abundance of hair on the head in the absence of hair. Wearing scarves all the time and hiding your head under a hat is not an option, but you can, with some effort, stimulate hair growth and achieve a beautiful head of hair.

How to stimulate hair growth

Causes of disease and hair loss

Human hair constantly grows and dies; a day he can lose 50-100 hairs, each of which has lived from 3 to 7 years. About 10% of the total amount of hair, having ceased to grow actively, remains on the head for another six months and only then falls out.

In the process of life, the thickness of the hair does not change, but the head of hair can noticeably thin out if new ones do not start to grow in the place of the lost hair

There can be many reasons for this. Of course, sometimes the cause of poor hair condition is heredity, but it should be noted that with the current state of medicinal products that improve hair health, this reason cannot be called serious and respectful.

But, nevertheless, the health of the hair is influenced by:

  • age
  • hormonal imbalance in women after childbirth or during menopause
  • damage to the hair structure as a result of frequent dyeing, perm, drying with a too hot hair dryer
  • trauma and damage to the scalp
  • infections caused by fungi and bacteria
  • autoimmune disorders
  • taking medications that cause hair loss and baldness (including some birth control pills)
  • poor environmental situation in the area where you live
  • improper nutrition
  • frequent stress and nervous experiences

Hair loss can be caused by the wrong hairstyles – too tightly braided braids or “ponytail”

Dangerous diseases such as oncology, the effects of radiation exposure, thyroid ailments, as well as complex surgical operations in almost 90% of cases cause hair loss and alopecia – focal baldness, when the hair on the head falls out, leaving local spots on the skin, on which nothing grows.

How to make hair grow fast

In order to correct the situation and stimulate hair growth, it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach. First of all, it is necessary to determine the root cause of their loss and eliminate it, if it is not irreversible, such as age. Then reconsider your dietary habits and change your diet to include all those foods that stimulate hair growth. Eat properly so that the body receives all the substances necessary for normal functioning: lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and, most importantly, vitamins and minerals.

Your menu should definitely include corn, seeds and nuts – a source of vitamin E and an antioxidant that improves blood circulation and accelerates hair growth

You and your hair also need vitamin A for normal development, which is abundant in liver, sea fish, carrots, broccoli, red peppers, apricots and parsley. For accelerated hair growth, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, protein, vitamins B6 and beta-carotene are also needed. Vegetable oil contains almost all microelements necessary for hair: zinc, calcium, sulfur, chromium, selenium, copper, silicon, iodine, potassium, iron and magnesium. These vitamins and minerals can also be consumed in the form of vitamin complexes and supplements, which are sold at the pharmacy.

Very effectively accelerates hair growth and massage, it enhances blood circulation and stimulates the follicles not only of those hairs that are already growing, but also those that are in a “dormant” state, forcing them to activate. A scalp massage with essential oils such as rosemary, bay laurel or tea tree oil is especially effective, which softens and removes sebum that clogs hair follicles. For massage, you can use a special brush or do it with your fingertips, moving them in a circular motion over the scalp with light pressure. The massage can be done as a standalone procedure or as part of the shampooing process, massaging the head in front of it, and applying shampoo and care with massage movements.

Strengthens the effect of essential oils by massage of the head using a laser comb

You can stimulate fast hair growth with nourishing masks. Especially effective as their components are ergonomic products that accelerate metabolism: garlic, onions, red hot peppers. To make a hot pepper mask, buy a tincture of it at the pharmacy, mix it with the hair balm you usually use in a 1: 1 ratio, apply to unwashed hair and leave it on for 20 minutes, wrapping your head in a towel. For a mask with onions, grind 1 medium onion, put 1 tablespoon of honey in the gruel and apply to hair before washing. Do these masks 2-3 times a week for 3-4 months – and soon you will become the happy owner of thick hair.

Use apple cider vinegar to rinse your scalp after shampooing to rinse away any remaining oil and sebum that is blocking the follicles. To do this, the vinegar must be mixed with water in a 1: 2 ratio. Soak the vinegar on your hair for a minute or two, then rinse it off with water and dry your hair.

Also interesting to read: weakened immunity.

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