How to speed up, facilitate or induce labor naturally

The doctor in such non-trivial ways helps mothers to give birth faster.

It is believed that the first birth should last 11-12 hours. Time begins to count from the beginning of regular contractions until the birth of the placenta. Rebirths are usually shorter – 7-8 hours. But it happens that the torment of mothers continues for days. In the patients of Dr. Fernando Guede da Cunha from a Brazilian hospital, even the first birth does not last longer than eight hours. Usually less. And all because the obstetrician has his own, very non-trivial approach to the process of obstetrics.

While in the open spaces of the Runet they argue whether it is appropriate for a future mother to dance, for example, twerk, a sultry obstetrician gives master classes to his patients, like a real choreographer. He recently posted one of these activities on his social network page and instantly became famous. Tens of thousands of people came running to see how the future mother in the company of a doctor dances barefoot, fervently twirling her hips and shaking her booty.

“Dancing, walking, exercising with fitball and squats are very beneficial for women in childbirth. It’s so much easier for them to survive the contractions. Usually, women in labor are laid on a couch and they are forced to lie still. But physical activity during childbirth helps to relax, and then childbirth is easier, – explained Dr. Fernando. “In addition, the movements of the mother help the baby through the birth canals.”

By the way, this is not the only case when women tried to speed up childbirth by dancing. We have already written about mom who danced twerk in the hope that contractions would finally begin. But the dancing obstetrician is something new.

And doctors say dancing isn’t the only way to make labor easier. They advise doing Kegel exercises aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. According to experts, women with developed muscles give birth more easily. Do not forget about breathing practices – they really work.

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