How to soothe your baby’s digestive problems? Practical tips for parents
NUTRICIA Polska Sp. z o. o Sponsored article

Every baby is different and undoubtedly unique. He communicates differently what he likes, what he likes and what does not suit him. Each of them can also signal different abdominal ailments, such as, for example, infant colic or constipation in a child. In order to be able to help your baby, it is worth observing him carefully, and every day – responding to his needs at a given stage of development – take care of his comfort and proper development, including appropriate nutrition.

This is important because it is during the first 1000 days of life that a child’s body matures intensively and improves its functions. Learn how to effectively address digestive problems such as baby colic and constipation, and what to do to relieve your baby.

A big job of the little baby’s tummy

Along with food, thanks to the digestive and nutrient absorption processes taking place in the digestive system, the young organism receives micronutrients and macronutrients that support its development. In the first days, months and even years of life, the baby’s tummy is perfecting its work to achieve full efficiency around 5-7. year. During this period – due to the ongoing development of the digestive system – digestive problems may appear, such as colic or constipation in an infant. It is worth remembering that each child is different and may indicate differently that something is bothering him.

If your little one experiences a temporary digestive discomfort, observation is essential. However, if the problems persist, contact your pediatrician as soon as possible.

Colic and constipation in a child – how to recognize them and how to deal with them?

Infant colic is one of the most common abdominal ailments in the youngest. The main cause of this digestive problem are physiological factors, incl. disorders of the digestive system related to its immaturity or ingestion of large amounts of air by an infant while eating, which in turn leads to the accumulation of gases in the intestines.

Babies perfectly sense the stress and tension of their caregivers, and the negative emotions of parents may increase irritability and tearfulness in a child. Therefore, bearing in mind the well-being of the child, it is necessary to provide him with a lot of love, peace and security, including by hugging, affection or taking care of the constant rhythm of the day and separating the child from loud sounds.

To soothe your baby’s colic pain, can be made tummy massage “heart”. The baby should be placed on its back and with a semicircular movement of the right hand – clockwise – draw the right side of the heart. The movement should end at the bottom of the belly. Then with the left hand (clockwise) you need to circle the other half of the heart – starting at 6 o’clock and ending in the middle of the belly under the breastbone. It is worth repeating the heart-shaped movements 6 times. Additionally, In order to avoid the baby swallowing air during feeding, it is important to take care of this activity it was run in a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere, and the feeding toddler should be placed in such a position that it would be comfortable both for him and for the parent.

In the case of constipation in infants, the main causes of constipation are most often mentioned too little fluid consumed by the child (Importantly, during the first 6 months of a child’s life, when the infant receives only mother’s food, the toddler should not be fed). It may also be caused by a sudden switch from breastfeeding to formula milk, as well as improper preparation of formula milk. However, the occurrence of constipation may also have a psychological basis. In many toddlers, constipation appears during the period of changes and gaining new experiences, e.g. at the stage of potty training or separation from parents.

In case of constipation, a tummy massage may also be helpful for a toddler, as a circular motion of the hands, gently massaging the small tummy, can improve intestinal peristalsis.

Nutrition for the baby’s delicate tummy

Due to the delicacy of the young organism – including the maturing digestive system – the baby needs special care and an appropriate diet. As recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) breastfeeding is the most appropriate form of nutrition in the first six months of life and should be continued until the age of two or more, with the introduction of complementary foods.

If the mother cannot breastfeed a six-month-old child and his digestive problems are short-lived (after a medical visit, the pediatrician did not recommend administering food for special medical purposes), she should choose the appropriate next milk together with the doctor. Such a product should have the number “2” visible on the packaging and contain ingredients supporting the proper development of the baby, including its digestive system. Next milkBebiko PRO+ 2 (the most delicate formula among other Bebiko milk) gives maturing bellies a double support thanks to the use of LACTOFIDUS – a process inspired by the natural phenomenon of lactic fermentation and the unique composition of GOS / FOS fiber. In addition, it contains a complete composition [1] of nutrients supporting the proper development [2] of a toddler. Properly selected milk will therefore be for the baby not only a source of nutrients, but also a valuable support for his still maturing and delicate digestive system.

Important information: Breastfeeding is the most appropriate and cheapest way of feeding infants and is recommended for young children along with a varied diet. Mother’s milk contains the nutrients necessary for the proper development of the baby and protects it against diseases and infections. Breastfeeding gives the best results when the mother is properly nourished during pregnancy and lactation, and when there is no unjustified feeding of the baby. Before deciding to change the feeding method, the mother should consult her doctor.

[1] In accordance with the law.

[2] According to the law, it contains calcium and vitamin D, necessary for the proper development of bones and teeth.

NUTRICIA Polska Sp. z o. o Sponsored article

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