Our life is a continuous process of choosing and making a wide variety of decisions. If you decide to deal with your problems — this is the right choice!
Any problem can be solved step by step. If we want to immediately jump over a large wall, then most likely we will break, and the wall will remain in place. But if every day we separate a small brick from the wall, after a while we will see that there will be no trace left of the wall.
What can help solve the problem? Optimism and a reasonable program of action. For the general idea, see Turning a problem into a task, and here are instructions for successful women.
Where to begin? Start by clearly defining all your problems. Make a list of all your problems, breaking them down into at least three blocks: “I myself”, “My relationships” and “Work”.
Now check the wording of your problems. They should answer the questions: what result do I want to get? What do I want to become? What is the goal to reach?
If you write what you don’t want, then you won’t go to the goal — because it doesn’t exist — but you will simply run away because you don’t like it. Often people run like this all their lives, bitterly complaining about bad luck.
Wrote? Now re-read everything you wrote and replace the word «Problem» with the word «Task». Read the new text aloud: is it better? Correctly! And remember: from this day on, you have no problems. You only have tasks!
Amazing. The next task is more difficult: arrange your tasks in order of urgency and in order of difficulty. Probably, it is better to start not with the most difficult task, but the urgent ones should be ahead.
Okay, now see which of your tasks needs to be solved immediately. That’s where you have to start. Take a blank sheet of paper and write your task at the top. And then add “My solution:” (on this sheet there will be a solution to your problem)
Create an image of the result. Imagine where you want to go and describe it to yourself as realistically as possible.
Imagine that a miracle happened: you woke up — and the problem is no more. How will you know that a change has taken place? By what signs? What will your life be like? What will change? How do you think others will react to this? Think over the details, take your time, consider everything. Write it down point by point.
Now check if what you want is really what you like so much that you are ready to overcome difficulties in order to achieve what you have planned.
Everything, like a coin, has two sides. The best has its negatives, and the worst has its positives.
Think about the positive aspects of your problem, that the good can disappear when you solve it? Are you ready to lose it? And also think about what negative aspects will accompany the solution of your problem, or even the fact that the problem will finally be resolved? Are you ready to go for it?
Would you rather solve your problem? Then move on!
Draw a line and divide it into 10 segments. Now imagine that where 0 is the worst state of things, and where 10 is the best. Where are you on this scale?
When you do this exercise, remember the parable of the half glass of water: one will say that it is half empty, and the other that it is half full. It is better to always take the second option, because then we imperceptibly lay the program for further «filling», and in the first option — for further «emptying».
Now return to your point of residence. Tell me what exactly helped you not to slide down to the previous point? Think about your personality traits, the people around you, the circumstances, everything. This is your resource, perhaps this is what will help you move forward. Answer a few more questions: What did your problem teach you? How did she enrich you? What made you understand what to pay attention to?
The fact is that everything that happens to us can be considered for our own benefit. Life gives us problems as lessons: experiencing and resolving them, we must understand something.
Now determine what you need to do to move on to the next item, then another, and so on.
What will your task look like at each point? What exactly will be the changes? Write down all the details.
Think: what do you already have now to start acting further? Who specifically can help you complete the individual steps? What should you foresee?
Again, everything is on the list. This will be your starting position. And then you go to the start: what can you do tomorrow to start acting? Once you answer this question, you will only need to follow the steps that you have outlined.
It’s all. Good luck to you!