How to solve problems in the house that are pissed off

How to solve problems in the house that are pissed off

The main thing is calmness and strict adherence to our instructions.

Every day, in all countries of the world, people suffer from the same little things that you just need to put up with, although they also cause anger and irritation in us. We tell you how to put an end to them once and for all, if it is … at all possible.

Usually, a person who misplaces the remote will also regularly lose glasses and other essentials. Get into the habit of putting any items in their place every day, and then you will never have to look for anything.

They always enter the house shortly before bedtime and annoyingly seek to crawl into every lamp. And you have to suffer from a moral conflict: to use or not to use a pesticide? If they greatly interfere with sleep, do not be too lazy to place insect traps around the room as a light exercise.

3. Dyeing all white shirts pink

Almost every child and even an adult went to a public place at least once in a slightly pink shirt. Take a few minutes to sort your clothes before washing.

This is an eternal battle. There are no winners in it.

5. Drain clogged with hair

It’s just disgusting, and for some reason the hair is always a different color than yours! In fact, every self-respecting woman should do this: clean up after washing her hair. Use cotton pads for this: they do not get wet, like the same toilet paper, and it will not be difficult to collect hair with them.

No one is able to find the flashlight when the lights are suddenly turned off. Keep a supply of candles and matches in your closet or kitchen. Romance during a power outage is guaranteed.

7. Out of an important ingredient

Breakfast of Champions – great scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, slightly overcooked toast, but it’s easy to fix with butter. Where is the butter? Who ate all the butter? And Saturday is ruined. Regularly replenish important food supplies in stores, such as drinking water bottles and bread.

8. Spam disguised as something else

How dare they? How can these companies sleep peacefully at night, knowing that they have shown you again and you believe that there is something in a brown envelope that will give you a free trip to Hawaii? Delete all unnecessary emails at once and without hesitation.

Where does one sock suddenly disappear? The only reasonable explanation for this is competition. The same socks just hate each other and don’t want to be together anymore. The only solution to this problem is different socks.

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