How to socialize if there is absolutely no energy for communication

Five tips for when your “social battery” is dead, but you still need to communicate with others.

You may be surprised, but even extroverts have days when they absolutely don’t want to communicate – there is no resource, strength is at zero – but they need it: for example, because a relative’s birthday is coming up, a work event or a best friend’s wedding. What can we say about introverts – for them, “going out to people” often becomes a difficult test.

We all sometimes have to leave the comfort zone and do something for the sake of loved ones, but communicating when we have neither the strength nor the desire is like walking in shoes that are small for us: difficult and uncomfortable. Here are some tips that might help you.

1. “Mirror” the interlocutor

You may have noticed that when you look at a person who is yawning, you feel the urge to yawn too. This is due to the work of mirror neurons, and you can use this mechanism to your advantage.

Simply copying the interlocutor on a non-verbal level – for example, quietly repeating his gestures – is enough to make him feel connected to you. This will not require special emotional costs from you, but it will quickly lead to the desired result.

2. Take breaks

It is important to feel your limits. We all know that when working at a computer, it would be good to stretch every half an hour so that your back does not hurt, or take your eyes off the screen and do eye exercises. Similarly, it’s helpful to take breaks in socializing so you don’t get tired of it, especially on days when you don’t feel full.

3. Reduce attention to yourself by joining a large company

It’s simple: one-on-one communication or in a small group requires more involvement and dedication from us, since the attention of the interlocutors is completely focused on us, while being included in a large circle allows us to remain silent and rejuvenate.

4. Listen more than you talk

In addition, this is a great way to pass for an attentive and sensitive interlocutor.

5. Come up with an excuse that will allow you to sneak out early

Yes, it’s a lie, but a white lie. Prepare an excuse that will lead to as few additional questions as possible. Depending on the degree of closeness with the interlocutors, you can limit yourself to the phrases “I’m tired (a)” or “I have to run – I have another meeting today.”

Of course, all these tips are only suitable if there is still something left in your “battery”. If the “battery” is at zero, perhaps you should not risk your well-being and just stay at home. In most cases, the world will not collapse from this, and you can catch up on the next meeting.

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