How to sober up quickly: 8 ways at home + methods to combat fumes

Let’s be honest with ourselves. No one has yet been able to completely sober up, and even get rid of the damned fumes in a short time at home.

Unfortunately, you and I will not be able to sober up in five minutes, removing from the body all the excess alcohol present there, together with the products of its processing. Thus, speaking about how to quickly sober up, we mean the ability to mobilize our brain for a very short time (maximum up to an hour), temporarily increasing its resistance to alcohol intoxication. The same applies to the ubiquitous fumes.

A warning

We should be aware that as a result we will be able to solve only some non-long-term tactical tasks: to get home safely, to perform some simple but urgent computer operation, to cope with a suddenly worsened state of health, or to board a train without much adventure. In addition, do not flatter yourself with the hope that the following ways to quickly sober up from alcohol will help you mislead precisely those people who care about your condition in one way or another: relatives and friends, your girlfriend, a current or potential employer, or a demanding university professor.

Finally, there are a few other important things to keep in mind before looking at the ways to sober up alcohol below.

how to drink and not get drunk.

It is pointless to try to sober up an insensible body. The methods presented below will help you get back to normal or bring one of your friends to it, in the case when the notorious measure has already been exceeded, but the brain is still able to fight the inexorably impending chaos of auto-catching for some time.

Since the reaction of our body to any external influences is purely individual, the effectiveness of various methods of self-sobering can be completely unpredictable: from phenomenally effective to completely zero. Therefore, it is desirable to combine any means at hand, of course, without going beyond common sense.

Keep in mind that the effectiveness of any sobering and anti-burning manipulations directly depends on the quality of the alcoholic beverages consumed. The better they are, the less toxic substances enter the body and, accordingly, the easier it is to make these same toxins temporarily recede.

When starting to sober up, give up further alcohol intake; even if other participants in the feast continue to actively pay tribute to the fun drinks and strongly urge you to follow their example. The same, by the way, applies to smoking.

Ways to sober up quickly at home

  1. Vomiting

    Let’s start with the most unpleasant, but almost trouble-free method. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to artificially induce vomiting. To do this, drink a couple of liters of water and stick your middle and index fingers deeper into your throat.

  2. Strong tea or coffee

    You can try to bring yourself back to normal by drinking a couple of mugs of strong tea with honey, lemon and mint at fifteen-minute intervals, or replacing the latter with ginger root. Reviews of this method range from enthusiastic to skeptical. If we are talking about the need to sober up at an accelerated pace in the morning, you can try replacing tea with coffee. This drink stimulates nervous and brain activity, and also helps to quickly part with the toxic half-life products of alcohol.

  3. Sweet fruit

    Bananas, oranges, grapes, melons, pears or apples. The fructose they contain will help speed up the process of splitting alcohol compounds.

  4. Milk

    Try drinking a few glasses of milk (of course, not after herring or other products that are incompatible with it). Milk emulsion will temporarily prevent alcohol from being absorbed into the blood, while the process of its neutralization will continue in full.

  5. Mental activity.

    On the advice of the British, who understand both intoxication and the fight against its consequences, mobilize your brain through simple mental activity: repeat poems or even the multiplication table from memory, solve crosswords and puzzles, or simply try to have a meaningful conversation with others.

  6. Fresh air and physical activity.

    Boost your metabolism with a little walk. You can also combine it with non-stressful exercise. Just do not resort to this method in winter, otherwise the sudden temperature changes associated with returning to a warm room will only aggravate the situation. By the way, the same problem is associated with taking a contrast or cold shower.

  7. Drink more

    Still water is best, but juices, fruit drinks, compotes are also suitable. Thus, you will accelerate the natural elimination of alcohol from the body.

  8. Take some simple sorbent

    For example, activated charcoal. At the same time, the main thing is to quickly get rid of the absorbed alcohol by solving big problems in the toilet. Otherwise, after a while, the sorbent will return all the absorbed toxins back into the body.

Methods for dealing with fumes

As a small bonus, we offer you several ways to temporarily eliminate one of the unpleasant, but alas, inevitable consequences of yesterday’s alcoholic adventure. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the stronger the fume, the shorter will be the period of exposure to the methods we offer.

  1. Take a warm bath. Thus, you clean and expand the skin pores and accelerate the removal of harmful substances that are the source of the problem.

  2. Ventilate your lungs. To this end, take 5-10 minutes of deep breathing exercises.

  3. Don’t forget to brush your teeth.

  4. Chew on nutmeg, bay leaf, or the textbook parsley root. Their strong persistent smell will displace the post-alcohol miasma for about half an hour.

  5. When going outside, dress in all fresh (including underwear).

  6. If the morning amber is not catastrophic, use fruit chewing gum. The method removes the problem for 15 minutes.

  7. Use specialized pharmacy products: Anti-policeman, Stop smell, etc. You will feel calm for at least 30 minutes. When resuming the smell that does not want to part with you so easily, you should repeat the procedure.

Relevance: 13.12.2016

Tags: Tips and life hacks

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