How to “sign” with baby to understand his needs?

Sign language, what if we tried?

Inspired by the French Sign Language (LSF), the one adapted to toddlers can begin to be practiced from 6 months. This involves associating a word spoken aloud to a gesture to describe a simple need everyday life such as: eating, drinking, sleeping, kissing …

Playful and interactive, this mode of gestural communication offers a tool for expression to your little one, who is not yet able to verbalize his desires. Of course, you will have to wait a few more months before your baby’s motor skills are sufficiently developed to allow him to reproduce the gesture shown, around 10 months. And, if the gestures are not perfectly reproduced, do not insist! The important thing is for your child to practice making himself / herself understood.

Signs: a language with multiple virtues

The common reaction of a baby, when he is hungry or needs to be changed, is to express himself by crying. Baby sign language allows a more peaceful expression of his needs while waiting for him to give way to words. And don’t panic, associating gestures with words in no way delays language acquisition!

On the other hand, baby sign language has the benefits of stimulate attention your little one and therefore, his ability to concentrate. She offers a more attentive connection to the world and helps her to fully connect with her needs and the people around her. It also allows him to exercise his fine motor skills! And, with some 200 signs registered in the gestural repertoire, there is something to train …

Some exercises to sign with your baby

Manger : the hand is positioned, fingers glued, facing the mouth

Changing the diaper : the fists are stuck and move back and forth

Bisou : the fingers of the hand are in contact with the thumb and cheek

Bottle : the thumb is raised in front of the mouth to mimic the act of drinking

Dodo : the two hands are joined and flattened under the slightly tilted head

To learn other signs : do not hesitate to watch video tutorials on the internet or to get books on baby sign language.

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