How to sign up for the COVID-19 test? [WE EXPLAIN]
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The symptoms of COVID-19 can resemble those of other illnesses, such as a cold. It’s easy to make a mistake, so if you have a low-grade fever, runny nose, mild cough or for any other reason you suspect that you may have “caught” SARS-CoV-2, remember two things. Isolate yourself and see if you qualify for the coronavirus test. You can do it online, you don’t need a doctor’s referral. How to sign up? We explain step by step.

  1. Free coronavirus test can be ordered by GPs, but also private doctors who do not have a signed contract with the National Health Fund
  2. You can also sign up for the SARS-CV-2 detection test online. We explain how to do this
  3. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Coronavirus Testing – Why Is It So Important?

Testing for the presence of coronavirus is one of the main tools in the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic – vaccination remains the first and most important, you also need to remember to wear protective masks. By combining these actions, it is possible to reduce the amount of virus to which we are exposed. These rules also apply to vaccinated people, because remember that they can also be contagious, although to a much lesser extent.

  1. To what extent can COVID-19 vaccinations be contagious? Scientists: The findings are credible

The second point that should not be forgotten is that the symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection do not have to be specific, so there is a risk that we will mistake them for signs of other diseases, including colds, flu, other viral infections.

Specialists pay special attention to symptoms such as: fever, dry cough, fatigue often associated with muscle pain, sore throat, which patients associate with angina, chronic fatigue, lack of concentration (occurs in the early stages of the disease), loss of taste or smell (these symptoms are less frequent).

  1. What symptoms are most often reported by COVID-19 patients now? A doctor from the Lublin region explains

However, we must remember that on the basis of the clinical picture (symptoms), we are not able to recognize whether we are dealing with SARS-CoV-2 or with other viruses causing infections. This is only possible on the basis of a coronavirus test. – That is why it is so important not to give up on it, not to be afraid of it – said the contagious doctor Lidia Stopyra in Medonet. This also applies to testing children.

When there is a high fever, severe cough and shortness of breath – we call an ambulance or go to the hospital.

How to make an appointment for a COVID-19 test online? Step One – Qualification

Until recently, free tests at collection points could be performed by patients ordered by a primary or night / holiday health care physician. Currently, private doctors who do not have a signed contract with the National Health Fund can also refer free tests for the detection of SARS-CoV-2. There is also another option – you can simply sign up for the test online. How does it exactly look like?

First of all, fill in the form that will show whether you qualify for the test. It is now available at If there is a suspicion of an infection in a child, the document is completed by the child’s guardian.

On the given page, we choose the situation for which we want to perform the test. And then we answer a few questions, including contact with an infected person, comorbidities, and symptoms.

  1. The COVID-19 Real-Time PCR test can be performed at selected drive thru points of the Diagnostics network

How to make an appointment for a COVID-10 test online? Step two – order

If the system qualifies us for the test, we can get an order for it in two ways. The first is to sign up online using a trusted profile (the order is issued automatically, and the confirmation is sent via SMS).

You can also choose to talk to a Home Medical Care consultant. After choosing this option, the consultant calls back and issues an order. The waiting time for an interview depends on the number of requests. According to the website, «consultants work seven days a week from 8 am to 18 pm (also on weekends and public holidays). Forms submitted after 18 will be served the next day or later if possible ».

The patient qualified for the test receives an SMS with the proposed place and time of the test. «If you do not go to the test at the place and time indicated, you can use any other download point. But then you have to queue ».

The test result can be checked on the Patient’s Internet Account.

If the result is positive, contact your health care physician who will assess your health and determine the next steps.

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