How to show a child the human brain and heart? Preferably through play

How to present to a child what the human brain or heart looks like? How to explain what our body consists of? Finally, how to show this coronavirus that you must have heard about recently? Plush models come to the rescue. They make the work of teachers or doctors easier, but they can also help parents or grandparents to show their children what the human body looks like.

  1. The American company Giantmicrobes offers stuffed animals in the shape of cells and organs of the human body, as well as bacteria and viruses
  2. Educational stuffed animals are made of safe material, so they are a great way to show your child what the biology of our body looks like
  3. A plush heart, brain, human body cells, DNA chain, bacteria and viruses can be found in Medonet Market
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Science stuff – the best way to get interested in knowledge

Who said that only teddy bears, kittens or rabbits can be stuffed? Maybe it is worth investing in a plush heart, brain or even a flu virus so that a child knows from an early age what the human body looks like and functions?

After all, there is no better way to get to know things or phenomena than by contact with a living model. Well, almost alive, because it’s plush. The brain will cease to be an abstract, because invisible, organ when grandfather explains to his granddaughter why it has such an amazing shape. Or a heart. It is red and has tubes sticking out in different directions. Why? We adults know that. And it will be nice for an aunt or uncle – nomen omen – at heart, when thanks to them, a few-year-old favorite will also know it before he finds out at school.

It is also easier for the parent to explain to the child where this nasty cold came from if he shows that a very specific little creature is responsible for its appearance. Maybe it will help to avoid another infection in the future? Or even this dangerous coronavirus. Its shape is not accidental. It is these yellow bumps that make it penetrate into humans and cause disease. Does every child know about it?

Who knows, maybe the children who get to know the human organism, its actions, and enemies from an early age, will grow into specialists in the field of medicine, eminent doctors, or at least school biology students.

Below are some suggestions for plush toys, for which the saying “teaching-plays, plays-teaches” is ideal.

The heart – the most important organ

The human heart is an organ located on the left side of the chest. She develops around the 21st week of gestation. It works constantly, pumping blood and distributing it through the arteries throughout the body. The heart consists of four parts: right ventricle, left ventricle, right atrium, and left atrium.

The heart plays a very important role in the body. It is thanks to him that the cells of the body are supplied with oxygen.

The heart – a plush toy is an ideal teaching aid for the youngest. A friendly form allows you to visualize what the organ looks like and explain its operation. A picture and a description of a real heart have been added to the mascot, which will additionally help understand the issues related to the bloodstream.

You can buy a plush heart at Medonet Market for PLN 39,9.

The brain – the organ that rules

The brain is a very important organ in the human body and is characterized by a complex structure. The brain controls many life processes, such as heart function and breathing.

To keep the brain in good condition, you need to stimulate it to work regularly. Increased brain activity influences the production of new nerve cells and the densification of their connections. In addition, it helps to keep it in good condition and prevents the development of diseases such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

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The plush brain helps to combine fun with elements of science. The toy will be perfect as a teaching aid for teachers or decoration of doctor’s offices. The mascot is made of material that is safe for children.

You can buy a plush human brain by Giantmicrobes at Medonet Market for just PLN 56.

Body cells – of which we are made

The kit containing photos and description of real body cells will allow you to present issues related to the functioning of the human body in an easy and accessible way.

A bone cell is known as an osteocyte. The main role of osteocytes is to exchange nutrients and metabolites in the skeletal system. It is thanks to them that bone tissue grows and regenerates after injuries.

Adipose tissue is the body’s energy reserve, which is used when nutrients are not supplied periodically. There are approximately 40 billion fat cells in the human body.

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Nerve cells are also known as neurons. There are many types of nerve cells, and they are classified according to what kind of neurotransmitters they secrete.

The muscle cell, in turn, is known as the myocyte. It is part of the muscle tissue. It has the ability to contract and relax. Muscle is found in higher invertebrates and all vertebrates. They are attached to the skeleton and their structure depends on their functions.

Toys can be used as a teaching aid in discussing basic issues in the field of biology and the functioning of the human body. The products are made of materials that are safe for children.

You can buy a set of human body cells by Giantmicrobes at Medonet Market for PLN 79.

DNA – this is where information about us is stored

DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid is one of the main genetic structures that is unique to each living organism. DNA is found in cells and is the carrier of genetic information. In humans, it is located in the cell nucleus and is made up of molecules called nucleotides. Its length can be up to 8 centimeters.

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The DNA code from the Giantmicrobes brand is an educational toy that helps to illustrate the basic issues of genetics to the youngest children. The shape of the mascot is based on the real structure of DNA. The toy comes with a description and a photo of the real genetic code. The plush toy will be perfect as a research aid or decoration of pediatric surgeries and children’s rooms.

You can find an educational toy in the form of a plush DNA at Medonet Market. It costs PLN 79.

What does the coronavirus look like?

SARS-CoV-2 is a virus that is spread by airborne droplets through contact with an infected person. The virus is most contagious when it is not yet showing any symptoms, which appear 2 to 14 days after contact with an infected person. SARS-CoV-2 is responsible for a pandemic that has lasted over a year around the world.

A coronavirus-shaped plush toy helps to visualize the appearance of this microorganism. The toy comes with a description and a photo showing the real appearance of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The toy is made of material safe for children /

You can buy a toy in the shape of the SARS-CoV-2 virus at Medonet Market for PLN 49,9.

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