How to sew a cotton-gauze bandage on the face, to school, video
Wearing a cotton-gauze bandage is an easy way to prevent airborne infections, gas poisoning. It is easy to make such a simple personal protective equipment yourself. In this article, we will tell you how to sew a cotton-gauze bandage in several ways and what materials are needed for this.
Basic dressing requirements
The headband consists of a multi-layered rectangle and strings. Protective equipment should completely cover the part of the face below the eyes. The dressing works on the principle of a filtration system. All bacteria, viruses and toxic volatile substances settle on the surface of the tissue, due to which disinfected air enters the respiratory tract.
To properly sew cotton-gauze dressings on your face, you should understand their device. The main part of the product consists of outer gauze layers and a thin cotton filling between them. A number of requirements are imposed on the materials of a medical dressing:
- Gauze (bandage) should be dense (36,0 g / m²), belong to the “extra” class.
- When sewing, they use absorbent cotton wool without lumps and short fibers.
- All materials must comply with GOSTs, stored in accordance with established rules.
To protect against pathogens of influenza, diphtheria, whooping cough, a dry bandage is worn. Products need to be changed every 2 hours.
To protect yourself from exhaust gases, soot, burning, dust, put on a wet bandage. A product soaked in a 5% vinegar solution saves from ammonia vapors. A dressing treated with a 2% soda solution protects from chlorine vapors.
How to sew a cotton gauze bandage to school
The bandage can be made from a piece of gauze 100 cm wide and 60 cm long. A piece of fabric is laid out with the larger side facing you. A thin cotton rectangle 30 cm wide and 20 cm long is laid out in the center.
Next, the lower edge of the gauze cut is folded over the entire width, completely covering the cotton wool. Do the same with the upper part, resulting in a wide strip. The edges of the gauze, where there is no cotton wool, are cut horizontally, thereby making ties. At the end, all slices are processed. A video tutorial on how to sew a cotton-gauze bandage will allow you to more clearly familiarize yourself with the process.
You can make a smaller product using a 14 cm bandage. A thin cotton layer 60×14 cm in size is carefully wrapped in a gauze tape 14 cm long. The edges of the resulting square are processed. Then they take another 80 cm of the bandage. The tape is cut in half lengthwise. Each of these strips is folded and processed to form strings. They are sewn along the upper and lower edges of the cotton-gauze square, placing the base in the center.
So, the materials for the bandage should be natural, environmentally friendly and of high quality. The product can be made from a piece of gauze or bandage.